Papas just don’t come much prouder than Jake Owen, who’ll be enjoying his first Father’s Day since his wife Lacey gave birth to their daughter, Pearl, last Thanksgiving. It wasn’t so long ago that Jake might not have believed that his life would be where it is today, but with a smartphone full of photos of his little girl, Jake is ready for a very happy Father’s Day. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Jake says that his fans have been so happy to see him and his wife with a baby in the family — and it’s sometimes an extra treat for people when they get to see Lacey and Pearl out at Jake’s shows. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Now that he’s a family man, Jake says that he may have to get something new to adorn his doorstep! (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Jake’s currently smokin’ the airwaves with his latest hit, “Anywhere with You,” the fourth smash single from his Barefoot Blue Jean Night album.
Jake Owen says that his life has changed fast, but in the most awesome ways. (:25)
“I didn’t think that, a couple years ago, that if someone would have said, ‘Hey, man, in two years, you’re gonna be a dad, and you’re gonna have your first Father’s Day with your little girl who’s laughing and smiling every morning when she wakes up lookin’ at you,’ I don’t know if I would’ve believed them, but you know, you never know. Things happen quickly in life, and here we are, two years later, and my wife and I have a little girl, and it’s pretty awesome. There’s nothing more fulfilling than bein’ a dad. That’s for sure.”
Proud papa Jake Owen enjoys showing off photos of his daughter, Pearl. (:25)
“My whole entire cell phone went from pictures of my dog and, like, pictures of my truck and my boat in the water and bein’ out on the lake to now every picture in my phone is a picture of Pearl. (laughs) And it’s funny ’cause people say, ‘Do you have any photos of her?’ And I’ll spend the next, you know, fifteen, twenty minutes just thumb-scrolling through my iPhone to show them pictures of my little girl. It’s pretty bad, actually, but I’m proud of her. I like showin’ her off.”
Jake Owen says that his fans have enjoyed getting a window into his family. (:44)
“It’s really neat, you know? A lot of my fans are obviously really happy for my wife and I that we have Pearl now in our lives, and they look forward to seein’ her, and they know that I’m…you know, I’m pretty open with my life when it comes to being on the road and through Twitter with my fans, and I’ll post pictures sometimes of our family, you know, doin’ fam…like a few Sundays ago, my wife and I and little girl were out on our boat together, and I posted a picture, and…but when she comes out on the road and stands side stage while I’m playin’ my show, it’s neat to look over at her and see her smilin’ at me. And then I’ll see people in the crowd notice her, and it’s cool to watch people’s reaction when they see my wife and little girl on the side of the stage, ’cause, you know, that’s our life. That’s what we do. We enjoy bein’ together, and if we can do it while I’m out there workin’, it’s pretty special.”
Jake Owen feels very blessed that he now lives in a home occupied by “The Owens.” (:47)
“I mean, it’s hard not to light up when you’re talkin’ about someone that, you know, you created. My wife and I — I look at my wife all the time, and as any married couple, you know, married couples always have their things they go back and forth on. But one thing that’s consistent, I can tell you, with my wife and I is that every time I look at her, I see my little girl in her, and then I see myself in my little girl, as well, and I just realize how lucky I am that the good Lord took two complete strangers, brought them together, and created another beautiful life with the both of us. And we have a really special thing goin’ in our little family now. It’s crazy, you know? We’re the Owen household now. It’s not just me anymore. It’s my wife and little girl, and it’s pretty neat. I need to get one of those mats that go outside our front door that say, ‘The Owens.'” (laughs)