Jake Owen is hitting the airwaves with his brand new single, “Anywhere with You” — it’s the fourth single following three consecutive chart-toppers from Jake’s terrific Barefoot Blue Jean Night album — and as Jake tells us, “Anywhere with You” is a song that he not only loved when he heard it, but he also felt like it really captured that feeling of freedom in the lyrics. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- While fans may be used to seeing Jake on stage — where he’ll be when he hits the road with Jason Aldean‘s Night Train Tour beginning February 21st — Jake says that in some ways, he’s still getting used to people recognizing him off stage, as he recently told Florida’s TCPalm, “I start getting this weird feeling and realize people start noticing me. I forget that’s how people see me. But I’m still the same guy that goes to the grocery store.”
- Look for upcoming tour dates online at JakeOwen.net!
Jake Owen talks about his new single, “Anywhere with You.” (:24)
“‘Anywhere with You’ has got that Southern rock, twin-guitar, kind of Allman Brothers meets .38 Special, and it’s just got a great singalong hooky kind of chorus. And the first time I heard that…it’s funny how sometimes you hear music and you feel like you can feel the breeze blowin’ through your hair, while you’re listenin’, and so I…that’s how I felt. I just wanted to make that sure we captured that on the record; I think we did.”