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JAKE & LACEY OWEN: They’re Expecting!

All good wishes to Jake Owen and his wife Lacey Buchanan Owen on the news today that the couple will be welcoming their first child, a baby girl, in November!

Jake says they learned of Lacey’s pregnancy after Jake asked her father for permission to marry his daughter. In the story reported today on, Jake recalls, “From the day I met her, there was no doubt in my mind I wanted to marry her, and we always knew we wanted a family.”

For the happy couple, Jake says, “the baby news was a bonus on top of the engagement, but we didn’t want anyone to think we were getting married because Lacey was pregnant, and we wanted to celebrate our wedding first.”

Lacey says they really wanted to keep quiet, too, until they knew whether there was a boy or a girl on the way, adding that the baby news “was just something we wanted to keep to ourselves for a little while.”

You can see the full story, here, on

Big congratulations to Jake and Lacey!