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HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: Stories About Mom!


Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday, May 8th, and we’re celebrating moms and motherhood with stories and memories from Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, Kenny ChesneyTyler FarrMiranda Lambert, Logan MizeJerrod Niemann, Brad Paisley, and Chris Young.

audio  Carrie Underwood talks about the connection she has with her mom. (:24)
“I was the last of three girls, and the next sister up is 10 years older than I am. So, growing up I had my sisters, who were much older, and then when they left it was just pretty much me and my mom and my dad was there. So, we were really close, you know closer than I think a lot of moms and daughters are. We love each other very much, and she was that the person that I fell I miss the most when I left home.”

audio  Garth Brooks talks about the lessons learned from his mom and dad. (:19)
“The way I look at the world is a direct reflection of being a son to my parents. My mom believed you could fly, totally believe you can fly. My dad would pull you away after mom told that and said ‘hey look, if you’re going to fly it’s going to take a lot of damn work.’ So, they were very real and very dreamy at the same time”

audio  Garth Brooks celebrated motherhood with his song, “Mom.” (:30)
“My favorite song on the album, and very possibly could become my favorite song of my entire career is on this album, and it’s a song simply called ‘Mom.’ And of course, you know, if you know me (laughs), that’s…I’m a mama’s boy, so that’s the greatest…I’m the greatest fan of that song simply from its substance. But how this song describes what a mother is, man, it’ll make you stop, pull the car over, and just listen to it. And that is what music is all about.”

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: Stories About Mom!  Kenny Chesney credits his mom for his love of life. (:30)
“I think one of the most important lessons that I’ve learned from my mom is just, no matter what life throws at you, is just to take a step back and a deep breath and just still take life as it comes. She’s been through a lot in her life. And she’s handled it. And she’s come through it, I believe, with a lot of grace…and a lot of style. And I’ve learned a lot from that. She has taught me a lot directly and indirectly. And she’s a hard worker, but she loves life. And I thank God that I got my love of life from her.”

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: Stories About Mom!  When it comes to Mother’s Day gifts, Tyler Farr says he’ll stick with what works. (:11)
“I always never know what to get for my mom because I’ve never been good shoppin’ for women, so I usually just…you try to stick with somethin’ that you know they like, and flowers is…you always win with flowers. You can’t go wrong.”

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: Stories About Mom!  Miranda Lambert recalls the days when her mom was booking her shows. (:27)
“Mom and I — she was bookin’ me in bars — I was playin’ Texas, so my mom was like my booking agent. She was working with me, and she was kind of like my boss in a way, and I hated that (laughs) ’cause she was also my boss in life, ’cause she’s my mom. And so, that was a tough time, but we’re also one of those families where we can just get in a huge screamin’ match and five minutes later, ‘I love you,’ you know? We’re not one of those, like, stay-mad-for-a-long-time kind of people.”

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: Stories About Mom!  Miranda Lambert talks about the importance of her mother and her family. (:15)
“My mom is a riot. She’s like, such a party animal — she loves to be on the road with me. My family is just great — they’re just, you know, they’re really cool. They get it, you know? They’re just like…they know when I need my space, but they also know when I need support. So it’s really great to have a family like that.”

audio  Logan Mize recalls his first public performance, though he wishes his mom hadn’t had that jacket! (:25)
“My first gig ever, I was 7, and I was dressed as a Kansas City Chief, helmet and all, football uniform, and I was playing a piano recital. The song was called ‘The Indian Chief’ something. It was like a chant type of thing, and I was really embarrassed because my mom made me put the shoulder pads they wore in the ’80s, you know, she had one of those jackets, so I had the shoulder pads instead of real shoulder pads, and I just felt like a sellout.”

audio  Brad Paisley feels blessed that his parents are such a big part of his children’s lives. (:43)
“My mom has become even more important now that I have children, because nobody works harder at picking up the slack in our children’s lives than my mom. I mean, her and my dad are invaluable because my wife has a job, and I have a job. And there’s times when I have to go away, and there’s times when she has obligations. And I just kind of realized that there’s only been really four people or so ever picked those kids up from school. And that is either me or her or my mom and dad. And I mean, that’s somethin’ else, when you think about it. And it’s a really nice thing to realize that the major influence in their life is me and her and my mom and dad that way.”

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: Stories About Mom!  Chris Young talks about his mom. (:52)
“It’s a really big time of year for everybody. Even if it’s just to get to spend a little time with your mom. You know, it’s not necessarily all about, you know, getting her a gift, it’s about just saying, ‘Thank you.’ I mean, they really do shape so much of your life. Your parents do. And your mom’s always a big person. Especially for me. She raised us for a little while, me and my sister, basically by herself. Before my stepdad, who I call my dad, came in the picture, it was just her. And we…I never, as a kid, wanted for anything. And that was how my mom looked at everything. And that’s how a lot of moms do, and I think that’s why we have a Mother’s Day. Just some of the stuff they do, that they give up for their children, really to make sure you have a great life and a great experience as a child. It’s pretty amazing how much of their personal time they give up, and go, you know, ‘This isn’t for me; this is for my kid.’”

audio  Chris Young now realizes how special his mom was when he was growing up. (:24)
“When I was growing up we didn’t have a whole lot of money to go do stuff, and we kind of never realize that this kids. So, it made me realize just about being cheesy how special a parent that I had because of the time she was a single mom, and she was absolutely amazing…still is…so, we always make sure that she feels the love on Mother’s Day for sure.”