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audio  When someone wants to know what Luke Combs’ favorite Halloween candy is, he knows what to answer right away. (:14)
“Man, you know what I love…and I can’t believe I thought of this, I love those caramel apple suckers, man. Those things are great and, they get all stuck in your teeth and everything. I don’t know why I like ‘em so much but I always loved those as a kid. You don’t see those too often.”

audio  A couple years ago when living in an apartment Luke Combs thought he’d introduced his favorite Halloween candy to a new generation of trick-or-treaters…but it turns out all the treats were for him. (:27)
“I lived in an apartment complex at the time, and I’m like ‘y’know I’m gonna get a bag of these because the trick-or-treaters are gonna love these.’ I had one trick-or-treater, and I gave him like five, and then I had this whole bag (laugh), and I think I knew when I bought’em, no ones gonna come trick-or-treating in my apartment. (laugh) So, I think I was a little bit guilty of subconsciously of buying those and knowing I’d get to eat all of them if I bought them. (laugh)”

audio  Michael David Hall from Levon is rediscover the joys of Halloween through his young son. Asked if anyone if the group still goes knocking on doors, Michael happily explained why he’s ready to collect candy again. (:14)
“I can. Because my sons two… yeah getting to trick-or-treat again is pretty dope, it’s pretty awesome. I love to watch him attempting to open candy he can’t do it yet, he gets really frustrated.”

audio  Tyler Farr recalls that he was a big fan of trick-or-treating, but never really got to enjoy all the sweets that he hauled in. (:10)
“I was big into Halloween! I mean, it was a great time to go out and trick-or-treat and get candy and then my parents never lettin’ me eat all of it and hidin’ and it becoming petrified within a year.”

audio  Tyler Farr remembers what kind of Halloween costumes he usually leaned towards. (:22)
“I always wanted to be a sports person, so I never got too crazy. I was never a Power Ranger or a…I think I was a Ninja Turtle one year. I wanted to be Donatello — I think I was Donatello — and I had that big stick thing that he carries, but my mom ended up takin’ it away from me ’cause I kept attackin’ everybody, like, thinkin’ I was a real Ninja Turtle. Yeah, I got in…I was big into Halloween.”

audio  Walker Hayes, a father of 6 kids, shares that Halloween is really a big event around his house. (:21)
“We just open our door we have friends over to our neighborhood and basically all they got to bring is candy to give out to put in that bowl and the door just stays open and I love to go out with our kids, we have a blast, we tear it up and they all come back with gigantic bags of candy.”