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Garth Brooks knows what his fans want, because he was a fan too. Garth makes sure to load his shows up with fan favorites because he knows that’s why people paid their money for tickets and showed up to the concert. While Garth has his set list of hits, he’s OK with you requesting songs too. If he sees you holding a sign wanting to hear one of his newer songs, he’d be more than happy to play it for you. Otherwise, he’s bringing the the songs you know and love, because that’s what he’d want as a fan going to see one of his favorite music stars.

audio  Garth Brooks explains why he loads his concerts up with his hit songs. (:57)
“What I love about why I am in this industry, is the reason why I am in this industry is because I came out of this industry. I am the guy that never could afford to go to a show. So the one that I got to go to, or two that I got to go to, I ate ‘em up, loved ‘em, but if I am going to see somebody I love, let’s take Strait for example, he’s my guy.. Thank god he never does this, but if George would come out and dump an entire new album on me, that I don’t know yet.. I got the album, but you know.. And he doesn’t do ‘Amarillo By Morning,’ ‘Fireman,’ ‘You Look So Good In Love,’ all these things, ‘Check Yes Or No.’ Then I’m gonna walk outta there going ‘like what just happened.’ So, you know that when you come out here. So you bring all your old stuff and you invite them to bring signs, cause if they want the new stuff it’ll be on the sign. So we do ‘Mom’ a lot for people that bring signs. So that’s a good way for new music to kinda get in because then it is somebody else’s choice and not the artist so people seem to accept it a little better.”

Thanks to Dan at Albright & O’Malley & Brenner for sharing the sound!