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“Hey, it’s Elle King”
“This is Elle King”
“Elle King here”
“Hey, North America it’s Elle King”
“And this is my new song…”
“And that was my new song…”
“Here’s my song…”
“That was my song…”
“And this is one of the songs from my album Come Get Your Wife, here’s…”
“…and that was one of the songs from my album Come Get Your Wife”
“Before You Met Me”
“Try Jesus”
“Drunk (And I Don’t Wanna Go Home)”
“Worth A Shot (featuring Dierks Bentley)”
“Crawlin’ Mood”
“Blacked Out”
“Out Yonder”
“Love Go By“
My family is from Wilson, Ohio, which is in the county of Jackson, it’s like really close to closer to West Virginia, and kind of close to Kentucky. And it took me like a lot of time to kind of, you know, I would tour and I always made a promise while my momma was still alive. If I was within three hours of home, I always went. And anytime I say I’m coming home, I always come home, like I don’t, I don’t- I keep my promises, you know? And I can only go there for three days, when they come in a full day to ride four wheelers, play with the little babies, and the next day, I’m out. But I love going home and you have to appreciate where you come from. And it just brings me so much joy. I mean, my brother as soon as soon as he could, he moved back. And my sister’s there and we just have so much fun. And it’s just interesting, the things that we push down that like I think that we get in our own way. I mean, the most out of anybody in our lives, right? And so it took me kind of a long time to come into my adulthood and realize that, like I was fighting, who I was, maybe I didn’t know who I was, and now I’m proud. My family are really hardworking people and they’re great parents, and they love me and no matter what happens, whether I’m on the radio, or like going through the worst year of my life, and like a mess, they’re always there for me, you know? They don’t even, like take a beat and, and so I love them. And I also feel like it’s really important for me to share, like the real parts of me, not the like, in my 20s it was like the rock and the pop world. And I was like New York, New York, you know, but people do have a misconception that I grew up in LA because my father is an actor and like, I spent most of my childhood in Ohio, and then New York City. And so, I mean, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m glad that I have both, you know, because I think I’m glad that I’ve traveled all over, you know, my both my parents for their work. Like I started traveling to like Asia and everything when I was eight years old, and I feel like that’s a blessing, you know? Because I think that you just absorb so much and that’s what I want to give to my kid. But it’s important for me to always remember where my family is from and where my family still is. And that’s where that’s- that’s home for me.“
“Before You Met Me, is like, that’s a song that like, gets stuck in my head. And it’s just so fun. And I think about like my partner now and I, you know, I always joke and be like, you’re lucky you met me when you did Bob, because I was- I was a wild one. And so I just thought that it was like, just interesting. Like, you know, hey, this is me, I got nothing to prove, but you might not know this about me. From Ohio, and then a little bit more. So this is me in this next chapter of life, and I’m a mother and I’m okay with who I am. I am okay with how I look. Actually I’m great with how I look. And I’ve just recently like, it was actually when I came into country music. And I felt like oh my gosh, these people get me and it’s because they reminded me of like, my family and like my brother and their friends and I felt like I was really accepted and I could be more of myself and I can have so much fun and this whole record is like, more me and has been more like creatively expressive in such a wild way that was so like freeing because I was just myself.”
“What’s interesting about Try Jesus is that I also didn’t write this song. This is the first record I’ve ever made where I put songs on it that I didn’t write. And I heard it and I was like, this is country Ex’s and Oh’s. Because each stanza is about a different relationship. Ex’s and Oh’s I mean, those are true stories. But I also related to this so much, and I am a religious person. And God came into my life in a very big way, in the last year, came back into my life, I will say, in a very, very, very big way. It was funny because I was talking to my manager, and I was like, oh, man it’s just weird I’m like pregnant and carrying around a Bible. And then like, studying, and it just gives me so much peace. And we started like, I remember being like, 24. And like being around other people watching, like, a group pray before they went on stage. And I was like, give me a shot. And now I’m like, give me shot. Now, let’s pray. And it’s just really interesting how we rebel against things that are good for us. And and so I had been kind of like, re- developing and deepening my roots in my faith. And you know, my grandmother’s Pentecostal, and I grew up with people speaking in tongues and everything. And it was a massive part of my childhood. I wasn’t allowed to watch Harry Potter. I wasn’t allowed to cuss or, you know, we were even my mom was like, if a Ouija boards on TV, she’s like, no, no, no. And to change it, change it. Nope, nope. And that’s when her country comes out. She’ll like really suppress her accent. She’ll do really, New York City dula thing. But like, once, like, a spooky shit starts happening. She’s like, No, no, no, no. And that’s what my mawmaw used to always say, no, no, no, if you come into the kitchen, and so Try Jesus got sent to me, and I was like, Holy crap. And it was just like, you know, like reaffirming that like, Hey, I’m on my path, my spiritual path and that God loves me and that this song came to me. And I just connected with it. I was like, this is country, Ex’s and Oh’s. And then I changed one word, and has of course, goats. Like, it used to be like, maybe he’s the only one for me, and I was, but I thought it was funny to say, baby, he’s the only one for me, because it’s like, Well, I’m just gonna date Jesus.“
“Well, I wrote Drunk with Martin Johnson, we did two days when I was 24 years old. We were in America’s sweetheart, which made my first record. And we wrote Drunk. But I was really young. And I was really green. And I was really new in it. And I didn’t know that my ideas were good. I knew my ideas were good. But I felt like oh, like my strengths, or like I’m a verse girl, blah blah. That song taught me so much. Because it didn’t make the record, I didn’t connect with the verses at the time. And then like, over the eight year span, from writing it and sitting on it, and like, I just kept being like dang man that like, that chorus is freaking huge, but I just didn’t connect with verses. And then in this kind of new, you know, time of my life, when I was kind of really started, like doing a lot of soul searching and everything and inviting, making, I would say you have to make room in your life for greatness. And it’s true, you got to make room, you got to move shit out to get good shit in right? So out of the blue Martin, after like, probably six or seven years of just, you know, doing separate things. He was like, hey, like we use will you sing this duet and my record, and I was like, funny that you reach out to me? Yeah, I’ll do that. I think that we should rewrite the verses to Drunk. And so I was on tour with Miranda and then we’d come home on Sunday. And I’d spend those few days writing and we wrote a whole bunch of songs. And it was just like a, it was just really fun. And it was, you know, I was getting a lot of stuff off my chest. And we rewrote the verses in 15 minutes. And then the tour ended and I asked Miranda to sing on it, like a terrifying text to send. Because we- she became a real friend. She’s a real friend, you know, and I didn’t want to be one of those people. Because I know how famous she is. And I know how successful she is. And so I was really nervous to ask her to sing on the song. Pretty dang good song. Thank God it went to number one. Like, if you’re going to ask a really famous friend to do something with ya, you hope it does good, right? And she liked the song. She didn’t text me back to like 24 hours. And I told her I was like, you know, if you’d want to sing on this with me, you’re the only person I’m asking. If you don’t do- if you don’t want to sing it with me, it won’t be a duet. And she said yes. And we recorded it and it was so much fun. We just got I mean, we had a drink or two. And she’s just a joy to be around and so Drunk taking eight years and redoing that really just gave me the confirmation to know that I can do this. And then it did pretty good, that song did.“
“When we wrote Lucky, I think it was the last song we wrote. We all cried. Because it’s a beautiful sentiment even if people don’t know that, that is my son’s name, you know? He’s a blessing. I mean, we named we named him lucky because we feel like we got lucky. And that song makes me cry, and we put his little giggle in the end, it’s really sweet. And, I mean, I’m a pretty good singer. I like writing songs. I’m an okay banjo player, but the best job in the world that I have is being his mom. And I dedicate the whole record to him because- oh my gosh. Sorry. Something just clicked in me and I was like, I gotta do better. I’m gonna give everything in the world to him. And I feel like I like he just he pushed me. Something about it, he’s just my greatest inspiration. And that’s one of my favorite songs on the record. And it’s just really sweet. We all like cried writing that song. Because it’s just so sweet. And I love him. And I just want, I want my family proud of me. And I just want to Lucky to like, think his mom is school, and know that I made this whole record, you know, with him as my driving force. Because I feel like my whole life I Just like stumble, like the best things. And my most successful things have been like, holy shit, no way. Like, we’re always like, laughing at like Ex’s and Oh’s. Like, like, right, that’s fast like, they’re never gonna put on the record, like us that’s you’re single. That music video, you know, just never knew, never know. And so I feel like I just, I have a lot of blessings. And I feel like I got really lucky. And yeah, of course, I want to be successful in life. But I’ve always wanted to be a mother. Like, the best thing in the world. And we- I don’t know, he’s just been a joy. And I laugh and I talked to Dan like, it’s, I feel like people know, like, I drink a lot. And I part like, I party hard and I used to party really hard. And it got me through a lot. It just got me through a lot. And I laugh and I say like, Babe, when do I tell Lucky how I used to be before he reads it online. At what age do you tell your kids you was bad? You know? Keep it down, daddy. Just kidding.”
“That song… So like I said, this album came like real quick. And we were just, we were just cutting songs, we were just cutting songs, cutting songs, cutting songs, and you just, you know these people in Nashville, not only is they ‘spensive, they’s busy to! So you don’t have a lot of time. And we tried to get as many songs as we could. And Ross was like I wrote this song and like Dierks had, Dierks had recorded it and was gonna put it on his record and it didn’t make his record and I was like, well, (gibberish). And they’re like talk slow Elle. It’s just a fun song and Ross wrote it and it was another excuse for me to be like Hey Dierks…. You want to sing a song with me? He’s like, is about drinking? Like, yeah, motherf*cker, you recorded it. He’s like, yeah, I know that song. I remember the words. I was like thanks, brah. That’s it.“
“Tulsa gets us so pumped that we already have it in the set. And people kind of go crazy for it. And I, I see people pretend that they know the words like, I know you never even heard the song. But they like it so much. They’re like trying to sing along to it and like it, I don’t play an instrument on it on stage, and I play the tambourine. And like, I’m not a good tambourine player, but I just just get that spirit in me. You know what I love about Tulsa. And I wanted to be really, really specific about this. Because if your partner cheats on you, in my case, if my man cheats on me with some girl, right? Yeah, you, you bad, she bad. But I should mad at him, you know what I’m saying? So it was really important to me- because even though we’re calling her a slut and I say, babe, there’s millions of Tulsa’s, he’s always gonna find some slut. I also wanted to make sure that I said, it’s not you. I’m mad at sis. And by the way, like, you know, there’s a million of you. You’re going to be what’s the hun’ ya done me a- like, after I come back in after sayin’ like I threw out his shit. I was like, hon’ you done me a favor, and I ain’t angry with you, babe, there’s millions of Tulsa’s, and you’ll be singing this soon. I hate to break it to you. But you bound to find out. He’s a real POS and he’s your problem now. So when it comes to stuff like that, if I’m going to be so bold, to put in that I’m calling a girl a slut. I also want to make sure that I still stick up for my girls to you know what I’m saying? Because if if somebody cheats on you, you can be pissed off. And if that person knows that this significant other got somebody like maybe they a hoe. Maybe they is… But I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at them. You know what I’m saying? So, if you’re gonna call somebody a slut, you got to also stick up for him too, in a weird way. I don’t know. Because I played it for my mom. It’s her favorite song on the record. And I had to show her I said momma read it back- what’s it say backwards? She goes- that’s funny. She loves it. She tries to clap with it. She’s so pretty. Can’t clap.”
“So this song came to me… I really love bluegrass. I’m a banjo player. Not a great one. But I play it good enough. I play fast enough people will be like, oh she’s alright. I am no expert. What is it like Jack of all trades, master of none? Well, I’m like an eight of some things, you know, not even like a face card, maybe a six or seven. But Charlie Worsham. He’s so sweet. And he’s like a pro in bluegrass, and he wrote that song. And I love bluegrass. And so for me, this is where Ross and I really had a lot of fun because this was this was in the phase two of like, people sending me songs. Because I said, send me songs written for men. And I heard that song. And I was like, dang, that’s some bluegrass shit. That’s really cool. That’s really hard. That’s a song that like I would listen to, and I get down to. And it reminded me, I don’t know what it was. And I don’t like- that’s why Ross was so amazing. Because I would say, I want a hip hop, beat like 808. And so he was like, What? What? I was like, listen, just hear me out. And this is why me and Ross had so much fun because I was like, this is bluegrass. But can’t you hear like a hip hop beat under it? And he was like, mhm yep, yep. And so we just had a lot of fun with that. And so I combined two of my favorite things, which is bluegrass, three of my favorite things, bluegrass, a handsome guitar player singing harmonies, and a hip hop beat under it. And I really enjoyed it. And I felt really lucky that Charlie let me cut it because I know that he’s putting out his own music right now. And he’s so talented. And I was just like, let me ask, can I have this one, please? Thank you. And, you know, it was really cool. I’m glad that I live here in Nashville now because I could be, you know, when people sent me songs, like, I was like, Charlie, will you come sing the harmonies on it with me? And it was just really, really fun. And he came in and sang and he’s so sweet.”
“Bonafide is funny. So that came from my little songwriting crew. And it was really interesting how they pitched it to me. Oh, we must have written Bonafide then Tulsa. Because Oh no, we wrote Tulsa and then after I was like, Alright, what’s next y’all? And Bobby was like, no, he’s really, really sweet. And he was like, I came up with something today. I don’t want you to take the wrong way. I’m just gonna play it for you. And he starts playing the guitar. It’s like, oh, it was always gonna end up on the wrong side of the track. I’m a blonde hair nutcase freak show certified damn maniac. And I’m like, wheels upstairs are turning I swear that hamster died. You bet your ass I’m crazy bonafied. And I was like, you wrote that about me? It’s about me. And he said, yeah. I was like, I love it. And I was like, let’s go. I was like, hell raising and high water, my tires done gone flat. And for me, country is funny. And people I think that funny is smart. I think ya gotta be a little intelligent to like, or you’re just lucky. In my case, I ain’t smart. I’m lucky. But like, you’re the reason our kids are ugly. It’s like, it’s so good. It’s so dumb, that it’s genius. And it’s so smart. And it’s so funny. It makes you laugh. And it just like takes you out of life for a second. It’s like relatable. And it’s just like oh well I love you anyways. You know, I don’t need nothing like let us have a bunch of little ugly little kids. And it’s just funny, and I love stuff like that. And I use humor as a defense mechanism. It gets me through life, me and my mom, we laugh at awkward times. We laugh when we’re nervous. And we make jokes through really uncomfortable periods and really hard things in our life. And it’s just the way that we’ve gotten through it. And so, I write, you know, I like to write funny stuff. And I appreciated that Bobby saw me in that way. And I feel like maybe other people will be like, that’s mean. Don’t say that about me. And I was just like, digging deeper. Let’s go!“
“Um, that’s a song that kind of, I think ties me to- I wrote that with Mark Johnson. And Blacked Out is like, that’s one that I’m really excited to play live. Because it just has this feeling. And like, it’s, it’s, it’s like, when I say hard, I mean like, oh, that’s, like same thing as like, that’s hard like that- oh, that’s bad. Not like bad. It’s not like, it’s not like, ooh, that’s bad. It’s like, dang, that’s awesome. You know, that’s, that’s rad, you know, but I’m like, ooh, that’s hard. It’s cool. And like, also, I like to drink and I like to drink a lot. I do. I like to, I like to party. Have good time, all the time. And just like in that’s another thing is like, Worth A Shot, you know? I bet you they met in a bar. So if it’s, if we’re gonna give it one last shot, it’s like let’s go to the bar like get it back to where it started. And I would say how it starts is how it ends, right? Sometimes, if you met in a dark place, you’re gonna get out of a dark place. And you have to go through it to get over it. Right? So I feel like blacked out. I haven’t listened to it a minute. It’s just funny, because I have blacked out a tattoo of someone’s name. But a lot of people got my name tattooed on them. One guy did it twice.”
“Out Yonder was a song that got sent to me. And that was another song. So I was like- that was one of the few songs, because a lot of songs got sent to me that were written like for girls. And I just, I’m not going to put anything that I don’t connect to, you know, I mean, hey, I’m getting out of my own way. A good song’s a good song. And out yonder got sent to me, and I heard it. And the first two lines are who’s doing lines? Who’s huffing glue? And I was like, What the f*ck is this? Who wrote this? And the rest of the songs like this was written for me.“
“Obviously Lucky is like so special to me. But like, I do truly believe that Love Go By is the most beautiful song on the record because it’s just a I think it’s real badass. I love pedal steel, like just, you know, gets me going turn me on turn me loose, but that song was written like, you know, at the end of my divorce. And I’m in a I’m in a really, really happy and very healthy relationship. I don’t know if he’d say that, but like, I feel fine. And it’s just interesting to like, think about love and loyalty and toxicity in a relationship and like, this is so bad. And I’m also bad for you. And you’re really bad for me, but I’m not gonna let you go. Because I don’t want anyone else to have you. And it’s like, it’s selfish and it’s selfless because I forgive you, but I want to hold on to you and I want to keep you stuck and you want the same for me and I feel like people go through that. And I just think that it’s a beautiful thing. And I’m glad that I get to sing that song. On the other side of where I was when it was written, you know what I’m sayin? I just think it’s beautiful.“