Track List:
1. Heaven’s Sake
2. Deer On The Wall
3. Mid-Twenties Crisis
4. Heart Brakes
5. Stick To My Guns (featuring Riley Green)
6. Hungover In A Deer Stand
7. Hang It Up
8. Shop Radio
9. Devil On My Shoulder
10. I Never Miss
11. There Goes That
12. Boys Back Home (with Dylan Scott)
13. You Did It Too
14. Bat Outta Hell (With a Boat on the Back)
15. The Fence
Audio Liners
Hey it’s Dylan Marlowe and here’s my new song
Hey It’s Dylan Marlowe and this is my new song
Hey it’s Dylan Marlowe and you just heard my new song
Hey it’s Dylan Marlowe and that was my song
Hey this is Dylan Marlowe and this is a song off my brand new album “Mid-Twenties Crisis”
Off my new album “Mid-Twentis Crisis” out now
Song Names
“Heaven’s Sake”
“Deer On The Wall”
“Mid-Twenties Crisis”
“Heart Brakes”
“Stick To My Guns (Featuring Riley Green)”
“Hungover In A Deer Stand”
“Hang It Up”
“Shop Radio”
“Devil On My Shoulder”
“I Never Miss”
“There Goes That”
“Boys Back Home” (with Dylan Scott)
“You Did It Too”
“Bat Outta Hell (With a Boat on the Back)”
“The Fence”
What is the Story Behind The Album?
This is my first record. Not going to be the last, but, yeah, we we took everything about this record, every little detail, even the, this wasn’t initially on purpose, but even the font of this record is a new font that’s never been used. Powers, my videographer, kind of created this font from gaff tape, that we put on the drums, the drum set, and the order. Everything from, like, the font, to the order was all kind of handpicked and it’s just something that I’ve really worked really hard on for the last 3 or 4 years, all kind of into one project. So I’m nervous, but I’m stoked to get this record out and I hope you all like it. I hope it’s a record that in, you know, four years people are still talking about, and you know, liking this record.
Dylan Marlowe – “Heaven’s Sake” (Story Audio)
“Heaven’s Sake” is the first song on the record and I put it there on purpose because I wanted all of y’all to listen to it first. It’s my favorite song on the record and that’s kind of just, I wanted to write a song that kind of included my pop punk roots and still have this a country feel to it. So this is my probably my favorite one on the whole record.
Dylan Marlowe – “Deer On The Wall” (Story Audio)
“Deer On The Wall” is a song that I wrote, right before I got married. We had a little argument about if the deer was going to stay on the wall or not and luckily I won that argument, but I had to give up a lot of other things, so it was worth it.
Dylan Marlowe – “Mid-Twenties Crisis” (Story Audio)
“Mid-Twenties Crisis” is a song I wrote. It was the last song that got, written for the record, and it’s just kind of about some stuff I was going through the last year just with, you know, being gone and just comparison. I feel like probably no matter what you do, you, you deal with that some way, shape or form. So I hope I like it.
Dylan Marlowe – “Heart Brakes” (Story Audio)
“Heart Brakes” is a song that I had a title “Heart Brakes” and I really only wanted to write it, if I could figure out a different way to write heartbreaks, rather than just a heart breaking in half, that’s been done a million times. So, it’s going to be a fun one to play live.
Dylan Marlowe – “Stick To My Guns” (Featuring Riley Green) (Story Audio)
“Stick To My Guns” is just a song that I wanted to write for me to kind of just stand up for what I believe in and for what you believe in as a listener. Once we cut it I knew there had to be a feature on it and we reached out to Riley, and thankfully, he felt like the perfect fit for the song anyway, so he said yes and I’m excited for the song.
Dylan Marlowe – “Hungover In A Deer Stand” (Story Audio)
“Hungover In A Deer Stand” is a song that I had this idea after we were picking songs for the record already. I had a couple of beers and went hunting the next morning and I had a headache. So in the deer stand I wrote down, “Hungover In A Deer Stand” on my phone. So it’s a true story.
Dylan Marlowe – “Hang It Up” (Story Audio)
“Hang It Up” is a song I wrote with my buddy Tyler Chambers. We wrote it late at night at his house one night just me and him. We kinda just wanted to have, like, an older country feel that had a good hook. I’m not sure whose idea “Hang It Up” was, but we wanted to just kind of write it about this relationship that you can’t let go of. So you just need to hang it up and let go of it.
Dylan Marlowe – “Shop Radio” (Story Audio)
“Shop Radio” is an idea had, that I also wrote with Tyler Chambers, and, I just, always my dad had this radio in his shop that never turned off. I thought, nobody’s ever written a song about shop radio. So, we kind of creatively tried to find a way to write a song about a shop radio and after writing it, I found out about other people had the same thing too, so.
Dylan Marlowe – “Devil On My Shoulder” (Story Audio)
“Devil On My Shoulder”, I actually found this out the other day. I remembered that when we wrote “Heart Brakes”, there’s a line in “Heart Brakes” that says “Devil On My Shoulder”. And so I wrote it down that day and, ended up going back and writing “Devil On My Shoulder” just because I thought it sounded like a cool idea and, I know that a lot of y’all have been there, as well as me, so.
Dylan Marlowe – “I Never Miss” (Story Audio)
“I Never Miss”, Blake Pendergrass had this idea one of the first times I wrote with him, and I think a year and a half later, I was like, “do you still have that idea?” He was like, “yeah, actually forgot about it”. It’s just, something about it intrigued me so much and funny story of the day that I sang the vocal and the day that I recorded the song, I missed a turkey both days. So I, in fact, do miss even though the song is “I Never Miss”. I’ve missed twice this year.
Dylan Marlowe – “There Goes That” (Story Audio)
“There Goes That” is kind of just a fun, kind of swaggy, love song. The demo was a little, poppy. So we went in and kind of made it a little more organic and added some real drums, and I just, it’s kinda just a cool song that doesn’t make you think. I feel like you can roll your windows down and it’s not too serious. I think we need one of those every now and then.
Dylan Marlowe – “Boys Back Home” (With Dylan Scott) (Story Audio)
“Boys Back Home” obviously, we had to keep on the record just because it’s been the biggest song of my career so far, and it was kind of like the first song that, really started this little wave that we’ve been on. So I’m pumped that it made the record and I hope it just continues to change my life.
Dylan Marlowe – “You Did It Too” (Story Audio)
“You Did It Too” was kind of the first song we released right after “Boys Back Home” in response to just some negative comments we had about “Boys Back Home”. I feel like as a songwriter that the coolest thing about getting to write songs is whenever you feel like, you know, mad, sad, angry, happy, you can kind of always go like have an outlet to write about. So that song was kind of just with my frustrations about that.
Dylan Marlowe – “Bat Outta Hell (With a Boat on the Back)” (Story Audio)
“Bat Outta Hell (With A Boat On The Back)”, is a song that I wrote when I was taking my wife to the airport early one morning, and, I was driving really fast, and I think I might have been the only guy that’s ever brought a boat through the BNA airport. Yeah, she was like, “you’re driving like a bat out of hell”, and I had a boat on the back, so I wrote that title down and ended up writing it and it’s one of my favorites on the record.
Dylan Marlowe – “The Fence” (Story Audio)
“The Fence”, I was in Oklahoma with Jon Langston in his truck on the way to a duck hunt and it was one of the first times I’d ever actually seen a tumbleweed and it was just in a windstorm. So it was going really fast and I just kind of smacked the fence and stopped. Something about that imagery just made me think about, you know, when you meet the right girl and she kind of stops you, in a good way, from the path you’re going down. So that that’s a song from that. Some would say it’s the mature version of “All About It”.
Check out the Official Music Video for Dylan Marlowe’s song “Boys Back Home” (With Dylan Scott) now!