“Hey it’s Dylan Marlowe”
“This is Dylan Marlowe”
“It’s Dylan Marlowe”
“…and this is my new EP Dirt Road When I Die”
“…and this is my song”
“…out now”
“Dirt Road When I Die”
“Record High”
“What I Know Now”
“You See Mine”
“Rich Kids”
“You Were Right”
“Empty Shotgun”
“Grew Up Country”
“Record High is just about kind of finding all the highs of the bad of a breakup and just trying to really make like an image, I guess. So when you hear the song, you kind of see something to like a visual, but it’s really opened a lot of doors for us. So I’m really thankful for the song and hopefully y’all like it.“
“What I Know Now is just kind of about that feeling you get when you realize you should have done things different. And how if you knew what you knew now back then you probably could have fixed the situation.“
“Dirt Road When I Die is a song that I wrote with Joe, my producer, just just the two of us. And I had a buddy back home that has always said whenever he dies, he wants to be put in the bed of a truck and taken down a dirt road one more time. And so I kind of came to Joe with the idea and we wanted to just have a simple song that doesn’t really say a whole lot of words, but that just gets the point across and hopefully we did and I hope y’all like it.“
“You See Mine is probably my favorite song on the whole project. And I wrote down with Hunter Phelps and Corey Crowder and Hunter had the idea but it was kind of like a sad thing and I wanted to just write it from a fun live show song. It’s just kind of about that, that seeing your ex in the new guys truck for the first time. And I don’t know we’ve all been there. So hopefully you’ve been there and you can relate to the song.“
“Rich Kids is just a song about how I grew up also wrote that with Joe and Jordan Minton and I just wanted to kind of paint an image of what it was like growing up not really a rich kid but just loving what we have and being thankful for what you have.“
“You Were Right is a song I wrote about my now wife Nat. We weren’t even engaged when I wrote it and I feel like girls like to hear they were right so I want to write a song that girls might like.“
“Empty Shotgun is a song we wrote on a writer’s retreat with Joe and Seth. And I kind of just wanted something rockin’ that has some energy for the live show. I believe we’re in Gatlinburg and I don’t really know who came up with the idea but it’s one of my favorite songs to play live.“
“Grew Up Country is also kind of a song about how I grew up obviously. But more of a autobiography. Every line of that song is true to me. There’s not one line that’s all for or that doesn’t relate to me in some way or shape. So hopefully if y’all relate to it you like it.“