Hey this is Corey Kent
What’s up guys it’s Corey Kent and you’re about to hear my new song
And this is my new song
From my new album Black Bandana, thanks for listening!
Ain’t Gonna Lie
Damn Good Country Song
Black Bandana
Never Ready
Break Like That
Nothin’ but Neon
Now or Never featuring Lauren Alaina
This Heart
So Far
Corey Kent – “Ain’t Gonna Lie” (Story Audio)
“Ain’t Going to Lie” is a song that I wrote on the back of the tour bus in a parking lot in Saint Louis, outside of a casino. What’s really unique about this song in particular is the vocal that I ended up cutting on the back of the bus that day, is the vocal you hear on the record. There was just something magical about that take, something that you couldn’t recreate if you tried, so we just left it in and let the music speak for itself.
Corey Kent – “Damn Good Country Song” (Story Audio)
“Damn Good Country Song” is one of the outside cuts on this record, something that stopped me in my tracks when I heard it because it was so unique. The lyrics were so timeless and so just inherently country. I knew I had this vision for kind of creating this sound that I’m not even sure what box you’d put it in. I don’t know if you could really classify it as as any one thing, but it was something I wanted to take a creative chance on and put on this record and just kind of shows you the diversity on this record.
Corey Kent – “Black Bandana” (Story Audio)
“Black Bandana” is a song that I wrote with a couple buddies out at my place in Texas and this song came from such a honest place of my journey and my path to get to where I’m at. You know, being the black bandana that became this symbolic thing, it used to be just a piece of, you know, clothing accessory that I wore and then it kind of took on this whole symbolic meaning of being the one that stays the course when everybody else quits. I’m really excited to share it with the world so that everybody can really understand where we’re coming from.
Corey Kent – “Never Ready” (Story Audio)
“Never Ready” is. Man. It’s quite possibly my favorite country song I’ve ever written. This song is extremely authentic to me. It’s about my wife and I and how we met and the timing of it, and having our first baby, finding that moment where, she hands you the pregnancy test and you find out that your world is about to change and kind of take all of those real life experiences from my life, but also from my co-writers lives, and wrap that all up into this beautiful, messy, real life, real love, real loss kind of song.
Corey Kent – “Break Like That” (Story Audio)
“Break Like That” is just a song that feels good, man. It just as soon as we started cutting the song in the studio, we knew that we were onto something. It had this magical head bobbing thing about it, and I can’t really even put my finger on what exactly makes this thing feel so special, but it feels like an old, familiar song. It’s fresh and new and I’ve never heard it before, so it’s kind of the best of both worlds and excited to see what people think about it.
Corey Kent – “Nothin’ But Neon” (Story Audio)
“Nothin’ but Neon” has one of my favorite lines of any song on this record. The line says “the only light at the end of the tunnel I can find is a cold Coors under this buzzin sign”. It’s just really a fresh take on, on a kind of a classic subject matter, a classic country song and I would consider this song kind of the glue of the record, the bridge between all of the opposite ends of the spectrum that live on this record. Nothing but Neon is at the center, kind of holding it all together.
Corey Kent – “Now or Never”(featuring Lauren Alaina) (Story Audio)
This song “Now or Never” features my friend Lauren Alaina. Man, I heard her sing for the first time live. It gave me a whole new respect and understanding of her and her music, and as soon as I heard her sing live, I knew that this was the female artist that we were looking for to feature on this song. She’s got such a powerful voice, and it added so much to this song. Man, I mean, I’m just absolutely ecstatic that she said yes to being a part of this, and I can’t wait to see what it does.
Corey Kent – “Rust” (Story Audio)
“Rust” is a song that I feel like kind of snuck on to this record, right before we were going in to cut the last batch of songs for this record. Really, it’s just kind of this perfectly imperfect love song. This song, I think, is a really great, realistic and relatable picture of working it out, working through the tough stuff, and never giving up on a on real love.
Corey Kent – “This Heart” (Story Audio)
“This Heart” was the first single released off the Black Bandana record, and for good reason. It was the one that the fans absolutely raised their hand for and blew up on our socials, but it brings kind of this new, attitude the black band in a record absolutely embodies. So we’ve just love seeing people scream this one at the live shows. We’ve loved seeing just the fans really react to a song and connect with it in a way that people are getting the lyrics tattooed on them. It’s just impacting people deeply.
Corey Kent – “So Far” (Story Audio)
“So Far” is the perfect way to round out this record. I actually wrote this song on the day that I signed my first record deal. It was a big moment. It was a day that I was reflecting on the journey that has gotten me to this point in my life. Me and my wife and our family, all the things that we’ve been through, all of the sacrifices that she’s made, and this kind of like a love letter to her in a way. It just felt like the perfect way to wrap up a record with just kind of some raw emotion.
Check out Corey Kent’s Official Music Video for “This Heart” now!