Chris Young- Remembers A Special Christmas Gift (AUDIO)
I actually got my first guitar as a Christmas gift. So, that’s one that’s always going to stand out in my mind as a gift that, you know, I picked up and was like so excited to have. And, then realized it was going to take me a really long time to learn to play it. But, it’s obviously brought me a lot of joy over the years being able to sit down and kick up and instrument and just, uh, sing and play. So, that was pretty special.
“Hey it’s Corey Kent wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”
“Hey it’s Dylan Marlowe wishing you a Merry Christmas.”
“The only Christmas traditions that my family has ever had is eat, then go back and eat more. I miss my grandmother very much, she always had my favorite sugar cookies out and iced perfectly. So that’s something I hope I can pass down through my family.”
“Hey this is Elle King wishing you a merry Christmas.”
“Hey this is Kameron Marlowe wishing you a Merry Christmas.”
Favor childhood Christmas memory, my parents got me my own television when I was probably like 13 maybe…12 and they put it in the basement and they got me like an old couch from Goodwill. And, me and my buddies would go down there and they hooked it up to cable so me and my buddies could watch TV down there and play N64 and do all that stuff. So, that one was pretty neat. I appreciated, you know, the sentiment of my parents giving me my own space and stuff like that was a really awesome thing. And, I think eventually the TV ended up in my bedroom so… couple years that lasted and then I wanted to have it in the bedroom.
“Hey y’all it’s Megan Moroney wishing you a very Merry Christmas.”
Favorite Christmas movie and why. Jack Frost for some reason, I don’t know it’s, I kind of relate to it you know the dad’s gotta miss a lot of life because he’s a touring musician. And then unfortunately he does pass away but then he comes back as Jack Frost and he’s awesome and I don’t know, there’s a big snowball fight and he can like snowboard and I don’t know the movie is just amazing. It’s one of my favorites and I love when snowman come alive.
What was the present I always wanted but never got? A swimming pool. Never had a swimming pool, maybe one day. In fact I’m gonna give my mom a swimming pool I’m gonna just repay it forward.
We don’t have many Christmas traditions. Honestly, it’s really just getting family together in whatever shape or form we can. Especially now that we are all older and grown up, it’s harder to get everything one in the same place. So, anytime we can get the family together that’s pretty much our tradition. For my Mom, I guess, we always open presents the night before Christmas. That started, I don’t know, about 10 years ago and we just been kind of doing it that way for whatever reason and it’s been great. I enjoy it because it gives me and my brother enough time with our Mom before we all leave and then we all have breakfast Christmas morning.
“Hey it’s Morgan Wade. My go to Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation.”
“Yeah, when it comes to Christmas traditions with my family, I mean, we still do stockings. I’m a grown man, I’m 36 years old and my dad will still give me a stocking, but that’s where all the good presents are. So he puts all the good stuff in the stocking and then we do other little things like that. But one tradition I’ve been wanting to do when I have a family one day is that one where you wrap up a bunch of random stuff and saran wrap and you roll dice and you have to get doubles. Anyways, I got my own ideas and aspirations apparently so- is it aspirations? Is that right? Okay, anyways, yeah, that’s what I do.“
Matthew: Christmas Vacation is the must-watch movie for me… holiday season or not, that’s one of my favorite movies period.
Geoff: Mine has become Elf, especially now that I have got a little kid to watch it with. That’s mine.
Brad: I’d say It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story, the two that I always end up seeming to have my eyeballs on.
Brad: Favorite Christmas tradition? I still like to leave a couple cookies out for Santa.
Matthew: Ya how else is he going to get around?
Brad: Exactly, the guys gotta be hungry.
“Home Alone is absolutely the must watch Christmas movie. It’s the first Christmas movie we watch every single year. We also make a list of 10 Christmas movies we have to watch between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, if you have any suggestions on those that maybe we’ve overlooked, send them our way.”
“I remember Christmas one year when my parents got me a drum kit. That was really cool. My mom still talks about it. I’m not so sure she loved it after I started playing drums, but I loved music growing up and, you know, I didn’t start doing it super serious until after like right when I graduated college. But, I do love that moment where, you know, the drums- that’s a big deal to get a drum kit when your a kid. I remember learning as much as I could about it and I got, you know, good enough to be dangerous. I’ll always look back on that and have a little smile.”
“This holiday season I’m definitely looking forward to getting to see my family and getting to hopefully visit back at home and be in the cold snow. I love a good snowy Christmas, looking forward to that.“
“Hey, it’s Tenille Townes. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones out there. Sending a big hug your way.”