CHRIS YOUNG: The Silver Lining for Young in These Strange Times of 2020 (Audio)
CHRIS YOUNG: The Silver Lining for Young in These Strange Times of 2020 (Audio)
Photo Credit: Matthew Berinato
You know what? And I said it a little bit… but just being able to sit down and write as much as possible and work on that. Work on new ways of writing, especially with doing it over Zoom, and not being in the room with everybody, that is kind of a different thing entirely- Uh, same skill set but a different way of doing it. And so, it enables you to not necessarily stagnate as a writer and do the same things over and over. It has actually gotten me to get closer with a couple of people that I had never written with before, before this. So, I look at all that stuff as silver linings when it comes to you know, there’s a lot that everybody is having to navigate and deal with right now, and this whole year has been tough for a lot of people. So, you know, on the grand scheme of things my problems of not being able to go do a summer tour are very small in comparison. So I don’t want to complain too much and I like to try and find some of the positivity and some of the positive spin on stuff.