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CHRIS YOUNG: The Grand Ole Opry’s Newest Member

Tuesday night Chris Young showed up to the Grand Ole Opry to celebrate his number-one song “Sober Saturday Night” before a scheduled performance on the legendary show. Chris was honored along with Brad and Brett Warren, (AKA the Warren Brothers) who co-wrote “Sober Saturday Night” with Chris, and Vince Gill, who is featured on the song. Things were going pretty much how Chris thought they would go…number-one party and then sing a couple of songs at the Opry House. The thing Chris was completely unaware of, was what waited for him on stage…an invite to become the latest member of the Grand Ole Opry. The invitation was extended by Vince, one of Chris’ musical idols. Vince joked that he didn’t get paid for the “Sober Saturday Night” session, but Chris could pay it by becoming the newest member of the Opry. Chris was completely blown away, and got emotional has he launched into his final song of the night, “Sober Saturday Night.” So, now it’s official…your newest member of the Grand Ole Opry is Chris Young!

audio  Backstage at the Opry House Chris Young reacts to being asked to join the Grand Ole Opry. (:10)
“I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you I had no idea and it was the only time I looked at someone and told them ‘Thank you for not telling something.’ Yeah that was just pretty insanely special right there.”  ?


audio  Vince Gill invites Chris Young to become the newest member of the Grand Ole Opry. (:37)


audio  Chris Young accepts Vince Gill’s invitation to become the newest member of the Grand Ole Opry.  (:21)


audio  Vince Gill shares some advice with Chris Young about becoming a member of the Grand Ole Opry (:27)


audio  Chris Young gets emotional after being asked to be a member of the Grand Ole Opry, but jokes about the people listening to the radio broadcast as he gets ready to sing “Sober Saturday Night.” (:40)