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CHRIS YOUNG: Talking About the Songs On Losing Sleep

Chris Young‘s band new album Losing Sleep is available now, and Chris is sharing his thoughts on the songs on the album.

audio  “Losing Sleep”
“This song is really different for a lot of reasons, but also because it does really start out with just a guitar, a loop and vocal, and it’s kind of like mid-tempo, and you’re like ‘OK, yeah, this is kind of laid back,’ and the chorus is just kind of a punch in the face. It’s an octave jump for me vocally, so it really stretches my vocal range. Dynamically it really stretches the band, and I think it’s just one of those extra hooks. I love having as many things in a song that really pull you in as possible, and I think the difference between the verse and the chorus on this song is just another layer of something that makes you ‘oh, OK, I have to pay attention to this.’”

audio  “Hangin’ On”
“’Hangin’ On’ is actually the oldest song that’s on this record, which sounds weird to say, but Josh Hoge, and Cory Crowder and I wrote this back in the process of making the I’m Comin’ Over record and we had something as far as the tempo that it was that was kind of in the same vein and so we really wanted to cut them both but we picked one and ‘Hangin’ On’ was the song that kind of got left out until we were making this record and I was like, ‘dude I love that song we have to cut that’ and it’s still one of my favorites on the project. Just judging by initial response it’s one of everybody else’s favorites too.”

audio  “Holiday”
“’Holiday’ is a straight up summer vibe and I think we probably did that on purpose a little bit because we were in Florida. This was one of the few times I wrote something on the road, we took an extra bus out, had Cory Crowder and Cary Barlowe out there and my buddy Johnny Bulford went on the trip just for fun and I made him go work (laugh) and we wrote this. I think he was happy about it at the end obviously because it’s a cut on the record but yeah man, ‘you make me want to make a margarita,’ that’s my favorite line from this song.”

audio  “Radio and the Rain”
“’Radio and the Rain’ is one of those tracks that really just hits you hard…I mean we spent so much time getting this track perfect because I love the song and I love the way we wrote it but, it’s probably one of the deepest as far as number of layers track wise on this record, there’s a lot going on and to create the space that it needs and then that chorus be so bombastic it took a lot of work around but it came together so well.”

audio  “Where I Go When I Drink”
“’Where I Go When I Drink’ is kind of that gut punch half way through the record, we’re doing a lot of songs about being in love and ‘Holiday’ is this feel good track… ‘Where I Go When I Drink’ just kind of comes out of left field and such a powerful song. Wrote this with Tyler Reeve and Trent Tomlinson and still one of my favorite things that I wrote for this project.”

audio “She’s Got A Way”
“’She’s Got A Way’ is the other song that I wrote on the road (laugh) for this record, I’ve never done that before I’ve never actually written anything on the road that I cut, normally its always stuff that I write in town and this one trip produced ‘Holiday’ and this song ‘She’s Got A Way’ and from the minute we started this I was like… Yeah this fits a perfect place on this record that I didn’t have anything that sounded like this and I just love it.”

audio  “Leave Me Wanting More”
‘“Leave Me Wanting More’ is one of those songs that showed up that day to write with Cory Crowder and John Pierce and had no idea what we were going to get, and it just blew me away and loved the track when we initially started working on it in studio and then once we got those guys that play on actually the last three records now it’s the same crew that played on that… Derek Wells, Miles McPherson, Tony Lucido, my steel player Terry Crisp, Carl Miner and Dave Cohen, they just made this thing come alive.”

 audio  “Trouble Looking”
“’Trouble Looking’ is this song that…I love Liz Rose, she’s an incredible, incredible writer and I’ve never gotten a chance to cut something with her and Cory (Crowder) before and so I kept beatin’ Cory up so I was like, ‘man you and Liz write together all the time can I not get a day?’ And this was our first collaboration together and love how it came out and just a really great feel good song.”

audio  “Woke Up Like This”
“’Woke Up Like This’ is…if I could put it best, it’s kind of the after effect of ‘Losing Sleep,’ this is the next day not wanting to get out of bed with somebody and just that feeling and that emotion that you get I know everyone’s been through that before where it’s just you don’t want to leave you just want to stay there all day, it’s just that perfect moment.”

audio  “Blacked Out”
“’Blacked Out’ is a song that I wrote with Josh Hoge and John Randall, obviously John Randall is an incredibly, incredibly talented songwriter and vocalist and guitar player and he’s a guy that I’ve wanted to write with for a long time and I was like ‘We’re going to make it happen on this album, this is going down.’ We wrote two songs that day and honestly off the top of my head I could not tell you what the name of the other song is, I loved ‘Blacked Out’ that much, we wrote this in about 45 minutes and I was in love with it and this was the last thing we cut to go on the record, this was the very last song so I thought this was fitting that this be the last thing that people hear.”