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CHRIS YOUNG: Storytelling Saturday Night

One of the big benefits about working with Vince Gill for Chris Young was, not just making a great song, but getting time to spend with Vince and hear his stories. Chris knew Vince was the perfect touch for his song “Sober Saturday Night,” and as the two have become better friends Chris has had the opportunity to hang with Vince to hear him talk about music. Chris says that Vince has “all these great stories. Just of no joke the history of not just country music but music. Like he’s got stories for years of all these wonderful interactions. He is just so open with sharing them and I just sit there like a kid in a candy store.” Of course there’s one thing Chris has to tell himself during these visits with Vince…”sometimes with him and I’m like ‘alright stop, stop, stop you are fanboying too much. It’s too much.’ But he’s just amazing.” Of course, we can’t blame Chris Young who wouldn’t fanboy around Vince Gill?

audio  Chris Young shares what it’s like for him to spend time with Vince Gill. (:30)
“It’s just cool for me being able to sit around somebody like that cause not only is he funny but he’s got all these great stories. Just of no joke the history of not just country music but music. Like he’s got stories for years of all these wonderful interactions. He is just so open with sharing them and I just sit there like a kid in a candy store a little bit sometimes with him and I’m like ‘alright stop, stop, stop you are fanboying too much. It’s too much.’ But he’s just amazing.”