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CHRIS YOUNG: Savoring the Moment

It was truly an occasion to savor this past Monday, when Chris Young saw his smash, “Gettin’ You Home (The Black Dress Song),” officially become his first number-one single. We shared some of Chris’ feelings about the big day earlier this week, and here’s more of what he had to say…including a heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make the song such a success. He also says that he may have begun the day making calls to family, but as the number-one news began to spread, Chris laughs, “everybody started calling me,” with congratulations pouring in from people he hadn’t talked to in years! (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • We’ve told you the story about Chris’ grandmother choosing “Gettin’ You Home” as her favorite song, and as it topped the charts, Chris smiled that she definitely knew a hit when she heard one! “She did! She picked it!” (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • “Gettin’ You Home” is from Chris’ new album, The Man I Want to Be (in stores and online now), and while Chris may be enjoying the moment, he knows there’s still a lot of work ahead to share more of the music he wants fans to hear from the album. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

CHRIS YOUNG: Savoring the Moment  Chris Young offers his thanks to everyone who helped bring home his first chart-topper.(:11)
“Hey, guys, I just want to say a huge thank you for everything. There’s very few people in history that can go, ‘Yeah, I’ve had a number-one song.’ And thanks to you guys I can now be one of those people.”

CHRIS YOUNG: Savoring the Moment  Earning his first number-one record made for a busy cell phone day for Chris Young. (:32)
“Oh, you know I called Mom and Dad. I called my sister, I called my grandparents…you know, and then what’s funny is as soon as it started leaking out and everybody started hearin’ about it through, you know, radio stations sayin’ stuff and, you know, it bein’ on the Internet, everybody started calling me. (laughs) So, I’ve got people that I haven’t talked to literally in years. People I went to college with that have called me and said, ‘Hey! Congrats on the number-one!’ So, I’ve spent all day lookin’ at my…I’ve destroyed my phone battery like twice tryin’ to respond to people.” (laughs)

CHRIS YOUNG: Savoring the Moment  Chris Young gives props to his grandmother, who knew a big hit when she heard one. (:11)
“She loves it! She loves that song! She did! She picked it! So, you know, my grandmother loves that song, which is (laughs) kind of funny. ‘Cause it’s like the sexy love song on my record, and that’s the one my grandmother likes.”

CHRIS YOUNG: Savoring the Moment  Chris Young may be savoring the moment, but he knows the work doesn’t stop with your first number-one hit. (:15)
“I do realize that there’s a lot of work left to do. There’s a lot of stuff on this album I want people to hear. There’s a lot of ways to go, ‘Hey, this song was number-one, and now listen to this song.’ So, you know, there is that out there, but right now, I’m still just, I’m so excited about this song.”