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CHRIS YOUNG: Save Beer, Drink Water


This summer has been hot! But that hasn’t stop performers from performing. Chris Young is one of those singers who has had indoor and outdoor shows–and both have been hot! Plenty of humid Saturday nights while he’s singing his latest single “Sober Saturday Night.” So, what’s the secret to trying to stay hydrated during his performances…Chris jokes that “Beer is probably not a good thing to say, but you know just water. I try to keep water on stage.” Chris will continue to work up a sweat as his tour schedule keeps him pretty busy through the rest of the summer. To see if Chris Young is heading your way soon, check out his website Chris Young Country dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Chris Young shares his secret to staying hydrated during summer shows. (:20)
“Beer is probably not a good thing to say, but you know just water. I try to keep water on stage, but been over 100 in every city, and then we’ve been in clubs where we’ve got capacity…two, three thousand people, and it’s just oppressive heat…trying to sing, and run around on stage, and hopefully everybody out there in the audience stays hydrated.”

Cheers to Dan Van of ALBRIGHT & O’MALLEY & BRENNER for keeping us cool by sending in this hot sound bite.