“Looking For You is a song basically about being like: I’m never going to fall in love and then stumbling right into somebody who’s your perfect person. I think probably a lot of people have been through that before. And I just was really proud when we got this one done. It’s fun to sing. I’ve been playing it you know, all over the country. And thank you guys for just absolutely loving it every time I’ve been out in front of a crowd. It’s it’s one of my favorite things that I’ve done for sure.”
“All Dogs Go To Heaven as a song that I wrote with a couple buddies of mine. One of them had just lost their dog. If anybody knows me, you know how close I am with my dog Porter who’s nicknamed after Porter Wagner, basically. And he is, you know, you don’t keep them forever. So I think everybody, even if it’s not a dog, if you have a pet, you can relate to this if you make them a part of your family. You just want to see him again one day. And so that’s what we wrote about.”
“Young Love & Saturday Nights is one of the craziest processes of making music that I’ve ever had my life. I could not be more proud of this album 18 songs biggest project I’ve ever done. And so many great songwriters, producers that join me on this. And very, very proud of this. Cannot wait for everybody to hear all the songs.”
“Don’t Call Me is… how can I best describe this song? It’s sort of that person that’s taken advantage of you in the past. And you’re like, hey, if you’re just going to call me when everybody else leaves in the middle of the night, and that’s the only time you’re going to do it. Sort of the most polite version of a middle finger I’ve ever written.“
“What She Sees In Me is a song that honestly got started by a couple of my friends and I very rarely jump in after something’s been started. I like to be there from the very, very beginning. But before they got too far along, my buddy Josh, who called me it was like, Dude, I think you’ll crush this. This sounds like you. I love this idea. Check this out. And if you want to finish it with us, you can finish it with us. And so I wrote a second verse and like sort of a bridge idea and sent it back to them. And he was like, yes, you’re in. Come on. Let’s do this. Beautiful, beautiful love song. And I think it says what a lot of people would say is when you’re looking at someone that you’re so massively in love with. Like I still don’t see what they see in me because I think they are just the pinnacle of perfection.“
“Country Boys prayer is a song that I love getting to sing. This one is just fun to me. And it’s also got a whole lot of meaning to it. You can probably figure out what the song is about just from the title but very, very special song and one that I enjoy getting to sing and can’t wait to sing live. So, hopefully, this is this is one of everybody’s favorites.”
“Double Down is a song that I did not write that’s on this record. And I have held on to for a very long time. So all the songwriters that are on this, thank you so much for not assuming I was never going to put it on a record. And I just I love it. I think it’s really, really fun. The guitar part on there Derek Wells played. And I think it just sounds different than anything else that I’ve heard with a lot of the bending of strings and the way that he did it. On top of the fact that it’s just a fun party song. So double down.”
“Call It A Day is a song that I wrote because I think I have one of these on just about every record I’ve made in some way shape or form. And it’s just, it’s just a sexy love song. Alright. That’s about all there is to it, but I think it’s a pretty cool.“
“Drink To Remember is sort of a looking back song. It sounds like from the title, what you’re gonna get is a party song or a drinking song but it’s really more about you know, the hook which is I’m trying to forget, I drink to remember. I want to remember all those good times and all the things that have happened. So it’s it’s definitely a little bit different for me from what I normally put on a record but very, very cool.“
“Don’t Stop Now actually got written and was supposed to be written in Georgia. I was halfway to Georgia to write with my buddy Cory Crowder with a couple of my other friends and got halfway down there. Had to turn around and come back because of my dog. And I was like, Well, I guess we’re not gonna get a chance to get together and right and ended up doing it over, which I know everybody probably knows this, but it’s just one of those things that’s been a byproduct of the past several years, we ended up writing over zoom, because one of the guys wasn’t in town and ended up cutting a couple songs from the few days we all spent together in separate rooms and I’ve never really done that before. So it was it was something that was really gratifying because it was just a different songwriting process and the song came out so good, so proud of this one.”
“Fall Out is a song that I wrote with one of my constant collaborators, Chris de Stefano and a couple of our other friends. And it’s sort of talked about, it’s like, I know how to fall into love, but I don’t know how to fall out of it. And I don’t, I don’t know how to fix that. Like, I think everybody’s been through that if you’ve ever been through a breakup and so I just love the idea of this song and where we went with it.“
“Fire is a song that I got a chance to write with my buddy Hardy. And it’s actually him singing the harmonies on it so it ended up being something pretty special because it’s it’s technically in waltz time and normally when you hear that you immediately go alright. It’s a slow song. It’s like a first dance at a wedding. This is absolutely not that and I just love that this song went in a different direction and I loved getting to write it with him.”
“Getting Older is a tune that a couple of my friends wrote. And the only reason that I ever found it is because I was trying to write a song about my dad and I try it and try it and try it and just hadn’t gotten a good one yet. And I was writing with these guys and I was, we get to the end of the session. And I was like, Hey, do y’all have anything that you’ve written recently that you love? And this was the song they played me. I was just like, crap. That’s way better than anything that I’ve tried to write for my dad. I gotta cut this and definitely encapsulates, you know, how I look at my father.“
Additional Cut x Cut’s still to come…