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CHRIS YOUNG: Livin’ the Stream

Chris Young played his first-ever live streaming performance this past Tuesday, and the acoustic show — direct from an intimate stage inside his record company’s Nashville headquarters — was a lot of fun for Chris. He says he’s wanted to do an event like this for a long time, and he loves that it’s such an easy way for fans to see him when they might not otherwise get to catch him on tour, so that wherever they are — and whatever they may be wearing — they can jump online and enjoy a free show. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • One of the songs Chris performed is “Voices,” his new single and the follow-up to his back-to-back number-one hits, “The Man I Want to Be” and “Gettin’ You Home,” all from his album, The Man I Want to Be.
  • If you missed the live stream, you still have a chance right now to see Chris’ performance of “Voices.” Check it out right here:
  • And of course, if you want to see Chris live and in person, head over to for upcoming tour dates! In addition to his own shows, Chris is currently on tour with Rascal Flatts.

CHRIS YOUNG: Livin’ the Stream  Chris Young says he’s wanted to do a live streaming show for a while now. (:44)
“You know, it’s my first live stream that I’ve ever done before, which was really cool because I…we’ve been talkin’ about doin’ it forever. It’s one of those things that, like, you end up, you’re like, ‘This would be a great idea if we did a live stream,’ and then three months goes by, and you’re like, ‘You know what we should do? We should do a live stream!’ (laughs) And it kind of works like that, and you know, I think we’ve been talkin’ about it for a little over a year now, and bein’ able to pull that off and, you know, have everybody be able to go online and see what my show is like is really cool ’cause there’s always people — it doesn’t matter how much you play — you know, if I played 365 days a year — which I’m pretty close anyway — there’s just always gonna be cities I can’t get to and places people are not gonna be able to go see me play. So, this was really an opportunity, people want to sit there in their pajamas and watch us play some country music, they could.”

CHRIS YOUNG: Livin’ the Stream  Chris Young says he had a lot of fun doing his live streaming performance. (:30)
“You know, I had a blast doin’ it. I’d love to do it again. Bein’ able to hit that many people without them havin’ to go to a venue, that’s the biggest thing for me is that they could’ve come, you know, straight off of work, got home and gone, ‘You know what, I think that stream’s up. Let me get on there and see part of this.’ You don’t have to get dressed up. You know, you’re not worryin’ about…you could have dinner cookin’, technically, watchin’ us do this show. So it’s just…there’s such a different dynamic with that and how easy it is for people to access my show. You know, there’s not a cover, nothin’ — you just go watch.”