Chris Young‘s brand new single “Sober Saturday Night” features Vince Gill on background vocals and guitar–a guitar sound that Vince came up with for the song. Chris recalls going to Vince’s house so they could work on “Sober Saturday Night,” and when Vince had a suggestion about how the guitar should sound on the track…sitting there in Vince Gill’s studio, Chris Young turned, looked at all the awards Vince has won, and turned back to Vince and said “You should probably go ahead and play that.”
Chris Young recalls working on “Sober Saturday Night” at Vince Gill’s house. (:58)
“He sang all the harmonies on the song, and then we were sitting there in the studio, and he comes back out, first he said what kind of guitar do you play on stage…because there are guitars all over his house that are like thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars worth of guitars. I was like ‘Well, I play a J45’ and he pulls out this old, old J45 and he goes ‘here play it’ and I’m like, ‘I’m not playing guitar in front of you, that is not happening.’ And then I did because it was an awesome guitar. But we’re sitting there with him and he’s getting ready to play, and he goes ‘I don’t want you to hem, what I would pick to play might not be really what you want for the record, I’ve heard some of the other stuff you have on the album, some of the other guitar tones, and that’s not really necessarily what I do, I just don’t want you to feel like your locked in if I play this and you don’t want to use it.’ And I literally did this; turned right, looked at the wall of Grammy’s, turned back left and said ‘No, you should probably go ahead and play that.’” (laugh)