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CHRIS YOUNG: It’s a Birthday Fest!

There always seems to be a massive party in town when Chris Young has a birthday, and that’s in part because Chris’ big day falls during the annual CMA Music Festival in Nashville. The excitement is already building for this week, and Chris will enjoy a huge birthday present this Saturday, when he plays the Music Fest main stage for the first time ever. Playing the LP Field show has been on Chris’ “bucket list” for a long time, and with the performance just one day before he turns 26 on Sunday, Chris knows he’s in for an amazing birthday weekend. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • Chris has been attending the CMA Music Festival for years, as an artist and a fan, and he recalls the years he spent collecting autographs, as well as one of the stranger autographs he’s given. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • With three back-to-back number-one singles to his credit, Chris will be one of the hottest young stars at the CMA Music Festival this year, and things are only getting hotter! Chris is climbing the Top 10 now with his latest hit, “Tomorrow,” the first big single from his third album, NEON, set for release on July 12th!

CHRIS YOUNG: It’s a Birthday Fest!  Chris Young talks about his first LP Field performance at the CMA Music Festival. (:21)
“This is the first time I’ve been in that stadium playing, ever, in any capacity. I’ve sung the national anthem there from some Titans games, but I’ve never really…never been there with the band, so this is a big deal for me; it’s a big deal for them. And, you know, I’ve been goin’ to CMA Music Fest since I was a kid, so it’s very, very, very cool.”

CHRIS YOUNG: It’s a Birthday Fest!  Chris Young looks ahead to the CMA Music Festival and his birthday weekend. (:21)
“We always have a great time at Music Fest. This year’s gonna be probably bigger than anything we’ve done before, just, not only the success from the last album, but the fact that there’s a new one comin’ out, have my annual fan club party, and then this’ll be the first year that we actually get to play LP Field. And that’s kind of an early birthday present to myself. We play LP Field Saturday, and then my birthday’s on Sunday, so, it’s gonna be a good weekend.” 

CHRIS YOUNG: It’s a Birthday Fest!  Chris Young says it feels really good to be able to be one of the people signing autographs for the fans at the CMA Music Festival. (:11)
“It’s a little strange if you think back to the fact that I was walkin’ around gettin’ autographs from other people. So it’s a little bit different knowin’ that now I’ve got people bringin’ stuff up to me, but it’s a good feeling.” 

CHRIS YOUNG: It’s a Birthday Fest!  Chris Young talks about the strangest thing he’s ever been asked to autograph. (:11)
“Weirdest thing I’ve ever signed…I actually had a lady get me to sign a pack of Depends for her husband’s 75th birthday. That probably is the weirdest at this point.”