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CHRIS YOUNG: Hopefully Music Can Help Heal

Chris Young was in Las Vegas this past Sunday during the events of the Route 91 Harvest Festival. That night he turned to Twitter during the shooting, to share what was happening. Since then fans haven’t really heard from Chris…until Wednesday night, before his scheduled show in Fresno California. Chris turned to Facebook to share with his fans a special message, “Hey guys, I’m sitting on my bus. I know I haven’t really said a whole lot, other than what I said on Twitter the night of everything that happened in Vegas, but people lost their lives, people were injured and I’m so heartbroken over that. Thoughts are with those families and everybody that’s having to go through that, and deal with that…that should never happen at a concert. I hugged my family and talked about what I was going to do this week, as far as this show that I’m going to play tonight…but I’m a musician and music can heal. So, I’m hoping that this is a night of trying to do that for a lot of people that are here. Thank you to all the first responders, firefighters, police officers and everybody that was just helping people that they didn’t even know…and I love you guys very much.” Along with the message, Chris added the comment “Vegas was the scariest night of my life, but hopefully music can help heal…”

audio  Chris Young shares a special message to his fans before his show in California Wednesday night. (:54)
“Hey guys, I’m sitting on my bus. I know I haven’t really said a whole lot, other than what I said on Twitter the night of everything that happened in Vegas, but people lost their lives, people were injured and I’m so heartbroken over that. Thoughts are with those families and everybody that’s having to go through that, and deal with that…that should never happen at a concert. I hugged my family and talked about what I was going to do this week, as far as this show that I’m going to play tonight…but I’m a musician and music can heal. So, I’m hoping that this is a night of trying to do that for a lot of people that are here. Thank you to all the first responders, firefighters, police officers and everybody that was just helping people that they didn’t even know…and I love you guys very much.”