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CHRIS YOUNG: He’s Such a Good Son

Chris Young wants to say thanks to his mom. Looking back, he realizes the dedication that his mom, like so many other moms, had to have in raising him and his sister. There was a time while he was growing up that Chris basically only had his mom, and even during those years, he never felt like he missed out because his mom did such a great job of focusing on caring for her kids. Nowadays, the man behind “The Man I Want to Be” even sees some of his mom’s traits in himself: it turns out that they’re both worriers. But the way things are going for Chris and his career, his mom has one less thing to worry about. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • Chris says that he was good this year and already has his mom’s Mother’s Day gift — a full week early! What a son!

CHRIS YOUNG: He’s Such a Good Son  Chris Young realizes the sacrifices his mom made in raising him. (:52)
“It’s a really big time of year for everybody. Even if it’s just to get to spend a little time with your mom. You know, it’s not necessarily all about, you know, getting her a gift, it’s about just saying, ‘Thank you.’ I mean, they really do shape so much of your life. Your parents do. And your mom’s always a big person. Especially for me. She raised us for a little while, me and my sister, basically by herself. Before my step-dad, who I call my dad, came in the picture, it was just her. And we…I never, as a kid, wanted for anything. And that was how my mom looked at everything. And that’s how a lot of moms do, and I think that’s why we have a Mother’s Day. Just some of the stuff they do, that they give up for their children, really to make sure you have a great life and a great experience as a child. It’s pretty amazing how much of their personal time they give up, and go, you know, ‘This isn’t for me, this is for my kid.’”

CHRIS YOUNG: He’s Such a Good Son  Chris Young can see one trait in him that he got from his mom. (:24)
“I’m constantly worried that the world is about to fall on top of me at all times. I’m always worried something’s going to go wrong. Like if somebody calls me, and I’m not expecting the call, I’m like, ‘What’s wrong?’ when I answer the phone. And that’s totally my mom. I mean, we both stress about the same stuff. I stress constantly, and so does she. And I mean, I don’t show it. I’m not one of those people that’s freaking out, walking around going, ‘Oh, my God. Something’s wrong.’ But I kinda do it internally, and you can tell she does, too. She’s terrible about that.”

CHRIS YOUNG: He’s Such a Good Son  Chris is on the ball this Mother’s Day — he bought his mom’s gift! (:11)
“I’ve actually already got my mom’s gift. Which she doesn’t know about. So I was actually sneaky this year. I found something I knew she’d like. Then I got it as soon as I saw it, ‘cause I was like, ‘If I don’t get it now, I’ll forget.’”