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CHRIS YOUNG: He’s Funny Too

Chris Young asked Vince Gill to be on “Sober Saturday Night” because he’s one of the best guitarist in Nashville, and is a legendary artists in Country Music. What you might not know is Vince is also very funny, and sometimes at Chris Young’s expense. Chris shares that “Vince is one of those guys that, as talented as he is musically and as great a person as he is, he’s got a really good sense of humor. He is very quick witted so he’ll give me a little hell every now and then, for sure.” Of course, Vince might not be busting Chris’ chops as much these days since he asked Vince to be a part of “Sober Saturday Night”–which is now a major hit song.

audio  Chris Young shares that Vince Gill is a funny guy. (:17)
“Vince is one of those guys that, as talented as he is musically and as great a person as he is, he’s got a really good sense of humor. He is very quick witted so he’ll give me a little hell every now and then, for sure.”