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CHRIS YOUNG: Hearing “Voices”

Chris Young fans are celebrating! Their favorite artist is back with new music! “Voices” is the first single from Chris’ upcoming second album — the follow-up to his 2006 self-titled debut CD. Chris’ new song — like “Drinkin’ Me Lonely” and others from his first album — showcases what Chris is all about musically. This guy has a unique way of staying true to the traditional music he’s always loved while using his 10+ years of live performance experience to create his own version of today’s country sound. In recording his new album, Chris found himself wondering “how it could be taken the next step…keeping it traditional at the same time,” because — as he explains — “that’s a big part of who I am as an artist.” “Voices” achieves Chris’ goal — the song’s premise is both memorable and haunting. The man in the song finds he often hears voices from his past…just when he most needs the wisdom and reminders they offer. Doesn’t that sound like the kind of story Chris’ idols like Keith Whitley and Marty Robbins might’ve told in a song? (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

CHRIS YOUNG: Hearing “Voices”  Chris Young talks about the influences who’ve shaped his music, including songs like his new one — “Voices.” (:40)
“One of the things that I got my start from was from my grandfather. He used to play 45s and 78s of people like Marty Robbins and Lefty Frizzell. You know, my taste evolved as I got older — [I] still love Marty, but I started to find stuff on my own – started liking Keith Whitley, moved on…Randy Travis, Joe Diffie, in that era…and even [to] new contemporary stuff. I draw my sound from all of that. What I grew up on, what I like to listen to, what could be done in music, how it could be taken the next step, but keepin’ it traditional at the same time. I think that’s a big part of who I am as an artist and what I want to do.”