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Super hero team movies are all the rage now, while he didn’t assemble the Avengers, or unite the League, Chris Young did pull together some song writing strongmen for his latest hit “Losing Sleep.” Chris looked to Chris DeStefano, and Josh Hoge to work on the new song, “This one was fun because you know, I have written stuff with Chris DeStefano on the A.M. record. We wrote ‘Aw Naw’ and ‘Goodbye’ together. Obviously Josh (Hoge) was a really, really central figure for me songwriting on the last project. So I was like, ‘I wonder what’s gonna happen if I put me and Josh and Chris all in a room and just kinda mix it up?’ And it’s so cool that this song came out of that writing experience and that it’s a little bit different from the last project but it’s also harking to, you know, two things that I have done before.” “Losing Sleep”–is the title of his new song, but it might also be Chris Young’s motto these days as he is not only trying to put the finishing touches on his new album, but he’s on the road playing show after show. To check out where Chris will be next, head to Chris Young country dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Chris Young talks about putting together the team that wrote “Losing Sleep” (:34)
“This one was fun because you know, I have written stuff with Chris DeStefano on the A.M. record. We wrote ‘Aw Naw’ and ‘Goodbye’ together. Obviously Josh (Hoge) was a really, really central figure for me songwriting on the last project. So I was like, ‘I wonder what’s gonna happen if I put me and Josh and Chris all in a room and just kinda mix it up?’ And it’s so cool that this song came out of that writing experience and that it’s a little bit different from the last project but it’s also harking to, you know, two things that I have done before.”