Chris Young took to Facebook Live on Thursday afternoon with Kane Brown to remind fans that tickets for his Losing Sleep World Tour with special guests Kane and LANCO go on sale the morning of Friday October 20th–the same day his brand new album Losing Sleep arrives in stores and online! For more info on his new album, his World Tour and his song “Losing Sleep” head to Chris Young Country dot com, or just click HERE
To check out the video for the FACEBOOK Live with Chris and Kane, head to Chris young’s Facebook page, or just click HERE
Chris Young and Kane Brown talk to fans on Facebook Live about the Losing Sleep World Tour. (1:54)
Chris: “Hey guys, doing a little Facebook Live got my buddy Kane Brown here”
Kane: “What’s up”
Chris: “So pumped that I get to have this guy out on tour. I know a lot of people have seen you on your own and then they’ve seen both of us out here with Jason (Aldean) but next year is just another level for both of us, we are also going to be bringing LANCO along for this tour, if you guys haven’t heard about this yet, everything goes live tomorrow at 10 am so if you want to get your tickets, go check out those markets make sure you’re fast because I think they’re going to be gone pretty quick. But dude you’ve been doing as much stuff all over the place as I have you said you had a show last night, obviously your deluxe album came out and debuted at number one again so you were number one twice with one record”
Kane: “Thanks buddy”
Chris: “Dude just tell everybody what you want to say about that I mean I loved the album obviously I loved it when you were playing me stuff before it was even out there yet.”
Kane: “Oh yea well first off I feel like your interviewing me, this is awesome”
Chris: “I am. A little bit, a little bit”
Kane: “Secondly I think ya’ll should come out its going to be fun of course you got Chris headlining, you got me co-headlining… well not co-headlining I’m sorry, direct support and then you got LANCO which they got a hit right now and its going to be an even bigger hit once we get out there.”
Chris: “And congrats on your first number one”
Kane: “Ahh thanks buddy I appreciate it”
Chris: “So well deserved, I know Lauren’s got to be excited about that too.”
Kane: “Oh yeah she’s super excited she was pumped about it”
Chris: “I couldn’t be more excited about this tour guys I know I’ve talked a lot about it, even as much stuff going on this week, obviously the album Losing Sleep drops tonight so make sure you go get your copy of that as well as picking up a ticket tomorrow at 10 am when this tour is actually on sale this is something you do not want to miss, so thankful, thanks again for coming along, really happy to have you”
Kane: “Oh thanks for having me man it’s going to be fun”
Chris: “LANCO, really happy to have them, and y’all there’s all kinds of stuff going on this week”