“Hey it’s Chris Young and this is my song Young Love & Saturday Nights.”
Young Love & Saturday Nights is a song that just kind of fell in my lap, so to speak. We were having some meetings, people were cycling in and out of the Sony building playing songs for the record. Obviously, I write most of my stuff, but not all. You look at the history of my music, you’ll find a lot of songs that have gone number one, and been huge hits for me that I didn’t write as well as the ones I did. And this is one that I definitely wish I had written. I just fell in love with it from first listen, you know, obviously a summer vibe behind this one. Talks about just, you know, that whole process of what reminds me of my start playing in bars and, you know, just playing new music for the first time, maybe your truck doesn’t always run, right, maybe you’re just getting your start. And just that whole idea of you know, I think everybody’s probably set in a truck before and made out with somebody. And I think just that imagery and that that whole idea of young love and falling in love maybe for the first time is a really, really cool thing to kind of put into the energy of a song like this. It’s up tempo. It’s a lot of fun to play and I can’t wait for everybody to hear it and be out there playing it on the road all summer.
“Hey it’s Chris Young and that was my song Young Love & Saturday Nights.“