Chase Rice admits that when you’re making music, after a while it’s hard to listen to the song because you’ve heard it so many times in a row that it all starts to blend together. That’s why he likes to get out in front of a crowd with his songs. When Chase plays his songs, like his new single “Everybody We Know Does,” in concert, he says that’s where the music really comes to life. He’ll be bringing lots of music to life this fall on his Everybody We Know Does tour. To see if Chase is coming to your town check out his website Chase Rice dot com, or just click HERE
Chase Rice talks about bringing his music to life. (:19)
“When you take a track in the studio then you hear it on the speakers, and first of all–you hear the hundred times, so at that point of it all starts sounding the same…you know you say the word ‘the’ a hundred times and it starts sounding funny. So, you hear the song so many times you think you got it right, you hope you got it right, and then you go play it live. That’s really what matters, that’s when the music really comes to life.”