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CHASE RICE: Home For The Holidays


Chase Rice is really looking forward to the holidays this year. He’s packing a lot of shows in the first half of the month on his Everybody We Know Does tour, but after the 16th of December, Chase’s main goal is relaxing with family and friends on his new farm that he bought in Tennessee. Chase says that since he travels so much for work, that he’s perfectly fine with everyone coming to him this Christmas season.

audio  Chase Rice shares his plans for the next month. (:30)
“December this year for us, is the crazy December I’ve ever had. I have ten shows coming up in a row, and then I have two more to finish out the year…but I think the 16th I’m done. Bought a new house in Tennessee here, I got a farm here. So, I have family coming in for the holidays. I think Christmas and New Year’s I’ll be spending right here in Tennessee at my new farm…and I don’t plan on leaving it much. I’d like to get some time were I’m not traveling so much, I’m just hanging out at my new place. I’m sure I’ll get a little traveling in, but I travel for a living, so this year I’ll be hanging out at home in Tennessee.”