This Sunday Chase Rice will be out in Las Vegas playing the ACM Party For A Cause festival–and after that his tour schedule picks up, and he’s touring almost non-stop until mid-September. The other thing that starts on Sunday and runs until about mid-September is the Baseball season. So, there’s a pretty good chance that Chase, who’s a huge sports fan, will make a baseball game stop or two during his time out on the road. And while he might walk away with a great time, nothing will beat the story of what happened last year in St. Louis when Chase was opening for Kenny Chesney. Turns out that on the St. Louis stop, after Chase did his opening set, he snuck out to a baseball game with his crew to see the hometown Cardinals play (and beat) the Chicago Cubs. After the game, Chase raced back to the show where he joined Kenny on stage at the end. For his tour schedule, check out ChaseRice.com.
Chase Rice remembers an eventful night in St. Louis on the Kenny Chesney tour last year. (:32)
“Normally on the Chesney tour, we do our show be done for a couple hours and go out for one more song with Kenny. But there was a really cool perfect timing thing going on that night in St. Louis. And as soon as we walked off stage from my set with Chesney, me a couple of my band guys booked it over the Cardinals game, they’re playing the Cubs. We went over there and had a bunch of beer, you know, ate hot dogs, and just got to act normal for little bit…watch the Cardinals whoop up on the Cubs. And then we booked it back over to the arena and finish the show with Chesney, so that was a really cool night for us to have in St. Louis. And that’ll be something I remember forever.”