ACM Female Vocalist of the Year nominee Carrie Underwood has talked about how her newest hit “Heartbeat” is true to her own life in some ways, and Carrie says it’s only natural that real-life themes weave their way into her songwriting. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Co-written by Carrie, “Heartbeat” is the beautiful second single from her Storyteller album, also home to the smash debut single, “Smoke Break.”
- In audio we shared with you previously, Carrie talked with us about seeing some of herself in her song “Heartbeat.” (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Look for Carrie on tour now, headlining The Storyteller Tour – Stories in the Round! For dates and cities, visit CarrieUnderwood.fm!
Carrie Underwood talks about real life in songwriting. (:38)
“It would be impossible for your life, your stories, or stories of people that are around you…it would be impossible for them not to work their way into your music, because you want everything to just feel really relatable, even on some of the songs that are more movie-esque, a little more dramatic than like real life. You still want people to relate to the characters in them, and it would be impossible for you or the people that you know or the stories that you know, for them not to be in your songs somewhere.”
Carrie Underwood says that, in some ways, her new hit, “Heartbeat,” is really her story. (1:17)
“‘Heartbeat,’ is…it’s definitely in some ways, it’s me: it’s my story. It’s, you know…my husband and I are so lucky to be able to, like, go to so many events and things. And you know, we live our lives, like, in the public and around people, but I’m the kind of person I just want to be alone with him and be one on one. And I don’t typically do very many love songs, but ‘Heartbeat,’ when we were writing it, just, there was something so real about it. And it was like, you know, all that stuff’s great, hangin’ out with our friends is great, being around all these crowds and these people are, you know, it’s wonderful, but I just want you. And that’s all I need, and you know, we’re gonna drive out to where we can’t be touched. We can’t be touched by technology, and we can’t be interrupted, and it’s just gonna be the two of us. And it’s just something I feel like a lot of people will be able to relate to because we live in just this crazy, loud world where just so much stuff is flyin’ at us. Sometimes we just need to get back to what’s simple and what’s real.”