When the call went out for artists to participate in the all-star song “Forever Country,” Carrie Underwood was one of the country singers who said “yes.” Carrie thinks that’s this is one of the best parts of being a part of country music, because “I think that the cool thing about Country Music is it’s support of each other and other artists, people just kind of wanting to collaborate for the genre.” Carrie was ecstatic to be a part of the all star line-up in “Forever Country,” and she’s not sure another music genre could pull this off. If you haven’t seen Carrie, along with Brad Paisley, Miranda Lambert and tons of other country artists singing “Forever Country,” you can find it by clicking right HERE. For more on this epic collaboration of country artists, you can head to Forever Country 50 dot com, or just click right HERE
Carrie Underwood talks about the supportive nature of country music. (:09)
“I think that the cool thing about Country Music is it’s support of each other and other artists, people just kind of wanting to collaborate for the genre.”
Carrie Underwood says that “Forever Country” has everyone from country music in the mix. (:15)
“So many Iconic artists are a part of this project and legends all the way to you know newer artists and kind of everywhere in between, so it’s a cool thing that I’m not sure any other genre of music could really pull off.”