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CARRIE UNDERWOOD: Hindsight’s 20/20

This Tuesday marks the arrival of another iTunes exclusive pre-release track from Carrie Underwood‘s upcoming album, Play On, and the new song is called “Undo It.” Lyrically, Carrie says that the song is pretty candid — and maybe a little mean — in its hindsight on a failed romance. She says, “We’ve all had stupid relationships,” and “Undo It” owns up to those feelings when you’re left thinking, “This was not worth it…and my life would have been easier if you hadn’t been in it.” Carrie laughs, “That’s horrible…it’s so mean.” The song joins “Temporary Home” and “Mama’s Song” as the third and final pre-release track in iTunes’ Countdown to the November 3rd release of Play On. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)

  • You can also preview a 60-second snippet of “Undo It” beginning this Sunday on!
  • Check out the iTunes Carrie Countdown at! An iTunes purchase of “Undo It,” “Mama’s Song,” “Temporary Home,” or Carrie’s current smash single, “Cowboy Casanova,” all count toward a discount if you pick up the Play On album through iTunes’ Complete My Album feature.

CARRIE UNDERWOOD: Hindsight’s 20/20  Carrie Underwood talks about “Undo It,” one of the songs from her November 3rd album release, Play On. (:39)
“‘Undo It’ is about…it’s kind of mean in the fact that you’re telling this person that you wish you’d never met them. Like, that’s mean. I wish I had never met you. My life was so much better before you. And I wish that I could take all of that back. And ‘Undo It’ is just kind of…it’s one of those…we’ve all had stupid relationships, and you’re like, ‘I wasted my time,’ you know, ‘they wasted their time.’ This was not worth it, and I’d give anything to just go back and have that back, and you know, my life would have been easier if you hadn’t been in it. (laughs) That’s horrible…it’s so mean.”