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CARRIE UNDERWOOD: Give Me a Ring Sometime

The word spread fast when Carrie Underwood got engaged to boyfriend — and now fiancé — Ottawa Senators hockey player Mike Fisher. And Carrie recently said that Mike wasn’t about to be skating on thin ice when it came to her engagement ring, so he engaged in a little stealth design reconnaissance to make sure he was able to get Carrie a ring she’d really love. (AUDIO INFO BELOW) 

  • As for the size of the wedding, the happy couple-to-be is leaning on the small side, but Carrie is thinking it’ll veer a little more medium than small. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
  • Meanwhile, back on the ranch…Carrie is all over the radio now with her beautiful single, “Temporary Home,” the second hit from her new Play On album, which also includes the number-one smash, “Cowboy Casanova.”

CARRIE UNDERWOOD: Give Me a Ring Sometime  Carrie Underwood says her fiancé tapped into a favorite designer to help with her engagement ring. (:18)
“My ring is Johnathon Arndt. I worked with him on a zillion other things. I love him to death, and Mike knew that by all the little boxes in my room. So he somehow managed to call him up and sneak around and make me a ring.”

CARRIE UNDERWOOD: Give Me a Ring Sometime  Carrie Underwood contemplates the ultimate size of her wedding. (:25)
“I think we both really want a small wedding, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. There’s so many people that…he’s got a huge family that they’re all really close with. I have a big family, but we’re really not that tight-knit, so, yeah, I have my little group, and he’s got about three times as much, so (laughs), yeah, we want a small one, but I think it’s gonna be medium-sized — maybe about 200 people.”