Cam continued her Mayday Mondays this week, this is where Cam interacts with her fans during a Facebook Live chat on her Facebook page. Along with updating fans about what’s going on with her, Cam also answers questions, like one that was sent in this week to her, asking what inspires her lyrics. Cam admitted that “For my songs most of them have to be personal usually there’s a story.” But she also shared a quote that she likes about the process of writing songs, “there’s like a Mae West quote something along the lines of ‘I don’t like writing but I like having written’ (laugh). It’s better once it’s done, but in the middle it’s pretty frustrating.”
To check out Cam’s Mayday Monday videos, head over to her Facebook page, or just click right HERE
Cam talks about what inspires her lyrics during songwriting. (:45)
“For my songs most of them have to be personal usually there’s a story…like, for ‘Burning House’ that was a real break…for ‘Hungover On Heartache’ that was a friend and another friend, they’re actually married now, but they had a big ole fight…’Village’ was a personal story about my friend who lost her brother, and then usually you’re just hashing it out kind of like poetry or storytelling or anything else like that. Like, how do you say the most meaningful thing without overdoing the words…which is tough. Songwriting is really tough. My favorite quote is…there’s like a Mae West quote something along the lines of ‘I don’t like writing but I like having written’ (laugh). It’s better once it’s done, but in the middle it’s pretty frustrating.”