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CAM: Somewhere In A Wedding


Cam‘s usual social media catch-up session with her fans, known as Mayday Mondays, is going to be interrupted for a while, because Cam is off to her wedding and honeymoon! This past Monday, Cam opened her Facebook Live chat by catching up with fans and telling them about the end of the Somewhere On A Beach tour, which Cam said was “so sad, cause that whole crew…Dierks (Bentley), Randy (Houser)…like the whole touring crew, catering, bands, everybody…is just the nicest. It’s pretty much the best tour to be on.” After that, Cam informed her fans they’d have to wait a few weeks for another catch-up because she was heading to her home state of California to get married to her fiance Adam, and then they were heading off to their honeymoon. While Cam wouldn’t deluge the location of her post-martial trip, she did say that while she’s “been to 21…22 countries, and both of these countries we’re going to, I’ve never been to before.” We’ll have to wait and see if she shares the locations when her Mayday Mondays return…same Cam time, same Cam channel! Congrats to Cam and Adam on getting married!

audio  Cam talks about the end of the Somewhere On A Beach tour. (:29)
“We’ve been running around crazy. We just finished up Somewhere On A Beach tour, which is so sad, cause that whole crew…Dierks, Randy, and Tucker, and everyone that’s worked there, like the whole touring crew, catering, bands, everybody…is just the nicest. It’s pretty much the best tour to be on, so it was really sad, but you know we had a dance party, we’ll pretend like we’ll all see each other just as much (laugh).”

audio  Cam shares with fans the reason why her Mayday Mondays Facebook Live chats are going to be interrupted for the next couple of weeks. (:25)
“You should know, this is gonna be the last Mayday Mondays for a couple of weeks, cause I’m going to get married in California, which is where I’m from, and where Adam’s from…my fiance. And then, we’re going on our honeymoon. woo, woo, woo, hoo. And I love traveling. I’ve traveled to a lot of places, I think I’ve been to 21…22 countries, and both of these countries we’re going to, I’ve never been to before, which I’m really excited.”