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CAM: Reaching Expectations

As Cam reflects back on 2017, she can be proud to know that she has put in the work. From giving her speech at TEDx, to being an ACM nominee, to recently announcing her Best Coast tour, to releasing her new hit single ‘Diane’…Cam has certainly been busy. Moreover, with rumors regarding Cam’s sophomore album slowly gaining pace, fans may wonder what it’s like for an artist to release music after their debut album. Cam shares, “It’s amazing how far you can come in a couple years and the first project, because it was funded by kick starter and, for me, they say when you go into your second album it’s terrifying because how are you going to beat it?, and for me I was extremely positive that I was going to beat it because I just knew I had learned so much and I have a really high bar set for myself but I knew I was getting closer in actual talent to reaching those expectations.” We are all looking forward to hearing Cam’s new music, but for now, we can enjoy her new hit single ‘Diane’.  For more information regarding new music and Cam’s Best Coast tour, you can visit her website at Cam Country dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Cam talks about going into her new album project. (:27)
“It’s amazing how far you can come in a couple years and the first project because it was funded by kick starter and, for me, they say when you go into your second album it’s terrifying because how are you going to beat it? and for me I was extremely positive that I was going to beat it because I just knew I had learned so much and I have a really high bar set for myself but I knew I was getting closer in actual talent to reaching those expectations.”