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CAM: Partnering with the American Red Cross


Cam rose to fame with a song called “Burning House,” but now the singer is joining the American Red Cross’ 2Steps2Minutes Home Fire Awareness Campaign. The program aims to save lives from the silent killer of homes fires that takes more lives each year than all domestic natural disasters combined. Home Fire Awareness has a personal meaning to Cam. After learning of a tragic home fire in Buffalo, NY that took the life of Demetrius Thomas Johnson, Sr. following his rescue of each of his three children and fiancée, Cam was so touched by the story that she made a donation to the Johnson family in his honor.

Cam will join a number of artists and celebrities in an upcoming Red Cross PSA to further promote the 2Steps2Minutes initiative.

audio  Cam talks about the tragic house fire accident story in Buffalo, that inspired her to donate to the family. (:42)
“I read a news story online about the family in Buffalo, and was very touched to hear about how a father basically rescued his children, and unfortunately lost his life doing so, when they had a house fire. And it was one of the saddest things I’ve ever read. Hearing about the mom of the children, and how they had just gotten engaged on Valentine’s day, and she didn’t get to marry him yet. It’s always sad that there’s a house fire and that people lose their lives, but I mean this family for some reason…just the dad’s bravery, and what happened that night, meant a lot to me.”

Just so you know…

The two steps to being fire safe: 1.) Practice your 2-minute fire drill with your family 2.) Check your smoke alarms monthly to ensure they are working properly.

The American Red Cross helps families put the pieces back together after nearly 66,000 disasters a year, the vast majority of which are home fires. On an average day, 7 people die and 36 are injured from a home fire, resulting in over $7 billion in property damages each year. To combat this, in less than 18 months, the Red Cross and its partners have installed over 239,000 free smoke alarms in homes across 3,700 cities.