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CAM: Meet Diane

Late last week Cam released a brand new song called “Diane”–and the new track is available online for fans to buy! Cam shares that the song, which is from the point of view of a woman discovering that SHE was “the other woman,” was inspired by a classic Dolly Parton hit, “So this is the mirror image of Dolly Parton’s ‘Jolene’, this is the mistress coming forward to tell the other woman the truth that she didn’t realize her guy was a married man and she wanted to come forward, come clean and let the other wife know about it.” Even with tackling that weighty of subject matter in a song, Cam admits that the musical elements of the song help lighten the tone, “its heavy subject but it’s sort of wrapped up in this Abba meets Fleetwood Mac dance party vibe (laugh) so you don’t realize how heavy it is until you start listening.” You can check out Cam’s new song “Diane” at her website Cam Country dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Cam talks about her new song “Diane,” and which classic country hit inspired it. (:31)
“‘Diane’ just came out…my baby. So this is the mirror image of Dolly Parton’s ‘Jolene’, this is the mistress coming forward to tell the other woman the truth that she didn’t realize her guy was a married man and she wanted to come forward, come clean and let the other wife know about it. So its heavy subject but it’s sort of wrapped up in this Abba meets Fleetwood Mac dance party vibe (laugh) so you don’t realize how heavy it is until you start listening.”