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CAM: It’s Just Another Mayday Monday


Cam takes extra time each week to sit down and reach out to her fans–she calls it “Mayday Mondays.” Cam will use Facebook live to connect with fans right there in the moment, plus she’ll go through comments, emails and tweets to answer questions fans may have. This week she answered a fan’s question about how you deal with nerves–and Cam was happy to shares that she even still gets nervous before going out for a performance–but she says that’s a sign that you really care about what you are doing. If you have a question for Cam, or just want to check out the next installment of “Mayday Mondays” head on over to her Facebook page by clicking HERE

audio  Cam talks about dealing with nerves when it comes to performing. (:55)
“They’re a lot of famous stories of people that are giant celebrities with huge careers, and they still get nervous, and I am definitely of the camp of people still does nervous. I preformed in front of probably the biggest stage was for CMA Fest the Nissan stadium stage that was like 50 to 70,000 people and I am terrified. But I’m even terrified, like last week at the Opry. Anders (Mouridsen), who is my co-writer, and the guy playing electric and banjo with me…he was like ‘isn’t it funny, I was so nervous the first time and now it’s getting easier,’ and I was like ‘no it’s not, it’s not easier at all.’  So, I think the main thing is that you embrace them, and you know that it doesn’t mean you’re going to mess up just because you’re nervous it means that you care a lot about what you’re doing so you might not get over them eventually, but at least you’ll be OK with them.”