Cam loves to interact with her fans–and with social media sites like Facebook, Cam can hop on, and talk to her fans directly, and answer any questions that they might have. Recently Cam took to Facebook Live to answer a fan’s question of who inspires her…and you might be surprised at some of her answers!
Cam talks about some of the inspirational influences in her life. (:47)
“My greatest inspiration, it kind of changes because I grew up not really thinking I would be a musician, so when I was in fourth grade I was obsessed with Sandra Day O’Connor, because she was the first women Supreme Court Justice, and I thought that was the coolest thing in the whole world, and I wanted to be that, and then when I got into psychology I had a couple different inspirations, and now that I’m in music…it’s just a mix of all different people that you see that you like pieces of them. I love Saint Vincent and I love what she does on guitar and how cool she is, and I love listening to Ray Charles, and I love Patsy Cline’s voice and that heartbreak in her voice.”