Congrats to Cam and her nomination for New Female Vocalist Of The Year. Like many artists, Cam wears the hat of both singer and songwriter, which allows her to have songs that have really personal stories in her music. It’s that personal touch on her music, that makes it relatable to fans, because Cam’s stories are not that much different from everyone else’s. It’s that ability to connect on that level which lead her song “Burning House” to land in the number-one spot on the charts. See if Cam can land her first ACM when The 52nd Annual ACM Awards air live Sunday April 2nd, from Las Vegas on CBS TV.
Cam talks about what inspires her lyrics during songwriting. (:45)
“For my songs most of them have to be personal usually there’s a story…like, for ‘Burning House’ that was a real break…for ‘Hungover On Heartache’ that was a friend and another friend, they’re actually married now, but they had a big ole fight…’Village’ was a personal story about my friend who lost her brother, and then usually you’re just hashing it out kind of like poetry or storytelling or anything else like that. Like, how do you say the most meaningful thing without overdoing the words…which is tough. Songwriting is really tough. My favorite quote is…there’s like a Mae West quote something along the lines of ‘I don’t like writing but I like having written’ (laugh). It’s better once it’s done, but in the middle it’s pretty frustrating.”