Brad Paisley‘s home state of West Virginia has been hit hard by devastating floods this month, and on Wednesday afternoon, Brad took to Facebook to try and help. After performing an acoustic version of John Denver‘s classic “Country Roads” while wearing a West Virginia shirt, the state’s native born son announced he was launching a GoFundMe campaign that will go directly to aiding the victims of this awful disaster. After making an initial donation of $100,000 to kick off the fund raising effort, Brad has the goal of a million dollars in mind, but as he said…more would be great…the idea is to get the money in the hands of the people who need it the most. Brad himself is heading to West Virginia this week, not for any kind of charity concert, he said that can come later, but Brad’s going to check on the people affected by the floods, and also to make sure that the system to distribute the funds collected is in order. Brad has no doubt that the state will bounce back, but he knows there’s a lot of help that is needed right now. To contribute to the page that Brad Paisley set up to help the flood victims, go to Gofundme.com/WestVirginiaFloods, or just click HERE
Brad Paisley shares his plan for his GoFundMe page to help the victims of the flooding in West Virginia. (:43)
“The 23rd of this month, West Virginia had some of the most devastating floods the state has ever seen. As one of the celebrities from our state, I certainly have a responsibility to keep awareness up on this, and so after carefully kind of considering what would be the best thing to do, what we have decided to do is start a GoFundMe site, that will go directly to my foundation, which is distributed by the WESBANCO Trust of Wheeling, West Virginia, and we can ensure that every dollar will go to the victims and towards cleanup of this. Our goal is one million dollars, anything over that would be great.”
Brad Paisley says that West Virginia is a strong state, but could still use help right now in its time of need. (:40)
“We as a state are a very strong state, we have much love for one another, we band together in these times, and we can do this. Eventually maybe we’ll do a concert in the area, now is not the time for that. Now is the time to…for all of us, whether you’re a West Virginian, or just a fan of mine, or know a West Virginian, or an American, if you have a dollar or two to spare send it to this site. The thing that I’ll say too is that we will get through this as a state, we do anything about the loss of life, or the pain, but the dollars that we raise replace all the things that were lost otherwise.”
Brad Paisley shares his plan to head to West Virginia this week. (:38)
“I’ll be going up to West Virginia tomorrow (Thursday) to see first hand some of what has happened, and meet some of these people that will be working on this. It’s very important to me that this is done right, that every dollar goes there, and that we see what we can do for the state. It’s a place that can bounce back because everybody has the drive and the will, and Mountaineers are always free. So please donate to this. Thank you so much for keeping West Virginia in your thoughts and prayers at this time while there are so many other distractions in the world, and what we’re needing right now is for everybody to remember what happened up there and give us a couple bucks, thank you.”
A clip of Brad Paisley performing Country Roads from his Facebook announcement for his GoFundMe page to help the victims of flooding in West Virginia.