Brad Paisley just released his new album, Moonshine in the Trunk, a few weeks ago, and Brad had a hand in writing almost every song on the record, but he says that songwriting for him isn’t usually an ongoing process sparked by random ideas. It’s more when Brad’s in recording mode that the world around him becomes grist for the songwriting mill. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Brad is out now with his song, “Perfect Storm,” the follow-up to his smash, “River Bank,” both from his new Moonshine in the Trunk album.
Brad Paisley says that he’s most attuned to songwriting ideas when he’s in recording mode. (:28)
“I don’t normally hear things and think, ‘Oh, that’s a song,’ all that often. It really takes makin’ a record to make me think about it. I’m sure I miss songs, times like now, when I’m not anywhere near goin’ back in the studio that I probably let things go right by me. But when I’m recording, my radar is on, and that’s when I start to appreciate the nuances of life that could be a song.”