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LOVE AND WAR, the newest album from country music superstar Brad Paisley, debuts at #1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart, marking Paisley’s 9th consecutive studio album entry at the chart’s top position! LOVE AND WAR launched with already a number-one song notched on it’s belt with “Today,” and now the latest single from the album, “Last Time For Everything,” is looking like another big for Brad. Of course people have spent years air guitaring to Brad’s massive library of guitar licks, but did you know he air guitars too? Brad admits “When I’m listening to this album, sometimes I’ll…you’ll see me air guitar, like, the hits. There’s a spot in ‘Contact High’ where it does these 3 big band hits (sings) ‘This ain’t no crazy party, this ain’t no ballroom. bown bown bown’ And I’ll always mime that.” So we had to ask…is he air guitaring the correct chords? “Yes, and to answer your question, those are the correct chords in the air.” Brad says that he just imagines that the guitar is really there, “I definitely think of it like it’s really there, similar, I would imagine when Chuck Norris is like…walks up and pretends to punch you…he’s actually doing good form.” To check out where you can see Brad playing the guitar…not just air…head on over to his tour dates at Brad Paisley dot com, or just click HERE

audio  We air guitar to his music all the time, so we wondered if Brad Paisley air guitar’s to the songs on his new album LOVE AND WAR–and if he does, is he airing the correct chords? (:25)
“When I’m listening to this album, sometimes I’ll…you’ll see me air guitar, like, the hits. There’s a spot in ‘Contact High’ where it does these 3 big band hits (sings) ‘This ain’t no crazy party, this ain’t no ballroom. bown bown bown’ And I’ll always mime that. Yes, and to answer your question, those are the correct chords in the air.”

audio  Brad Paisley compares hitting the right chords while air guitaring to Chuck Norris throwing pretend punches. (:13)
“I definitely think of it like it’s really there, similar, I would imagine when Chuck Norris is like…walks up and pretends to punch you…he’s actually doing good form.”