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BRAD PAISLEY: Health Warrior

Brad Paisley is out on his Weekend Warrior World Tour, singing his latest song “Last Time For Everything.” With so many people coming to see him in concert, Brad makes sure to take care of himself so he can make all the shows. Brad admits that while he maintains good habits, he believes a lot of his good health is just from the years he’s already been on the road, “I’ve met so many people over the years, knock on wood, that I think my immune system is just off the charts.” His super immune system is what keeps him healthy and ready to go while on the road. He compares the importance of a singer staying healthy to that of an athlete, “its like when you’re watching a football game and one of your favorite players is carded off the field and you’re like “Oh no, when will he be back?” Well that’s the equivalent of getting a cold for a singer.” Paisley’s ability to stay healthy while on tour is what fuels his fun and energetic performances. If you want to catch Brad on his Weekend Warrior World Tour, check out all of his tour dates on Brad Paisley dot com, or just click HERE

audio  Brad Paisley shares his secret to staying healthy while out on tour. (:41)
“I don’t know, you know what? I’ve met so many people over the years, knock on wood, that I think my immune system is just off the charts, you know. I’m very lucky that I rarely get sick knock on wood as I say that…here I’m probably going to get something. You’ve got to stay healthy as a singer. That’s the kiss of death, it’s like when you’re watching a football game and one of your favorite players is carted off the field and you’re like ‘Oh no, when will he be back?’ Well, that’s the equivalent of getting a cold for a singer. A whole weekend worth of touring can go out the window if I have laryngitis, so you gotta take care of yourself.”