Last week the all-star epic music video “Forever Country” was released. The song is kicked off by Brad Paisley singing the opening lines of the John Denver classic “Country Roads,” followed by his friend Keith Urban. Brad says that it meant a lot to him as a native Mountaineer to kick the song off and sing the iconic lyrics “Almost heaven, West Virginia.” Brad joked that he’s glad native Australian Keith didn’t go first because “It wouldn’t be right. Now, if it was almost heaven Australia, he should have it.” Brad also jokes that when he was first asked by the CMA to be a part of the project, that he trusted them that it would work. Brad is happy to report that not only does it work, but he feels that “It’s so epic. It’s just really…it feels like a piece of history to be a part of.” Since it was released last week, more than 2 million people have viewed the video for “Forever Country”–which if you haven’t seen it yet, you can find it by clicking right HERE. For more on this epic collaboration of country artists, you can head to Forever Country 50 dot com, or just click right HERE
Brad Paisley talk about being a part of the “Forever Country” video for the CMAs. (:12)
“They said it would work and I said ‘alright, we’ll see’, and they’re right, it works! It’s great. It’s so epic. It’s just really…it feels like a piece of history to be a part of.”
Brad Paisley is glad he got to sing the opening lyrics to “Forever Country” instead of Keith Urban. (:09)
“That means a lot. I mean, I’m glad they didn’t give that to Keith Urban, who’s Australian. It wouldn’t be right. Now, if it was almost heaven Australia, he should have it.”