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BRAD PAISLEY: All My Friends Say…

At an event in Nashville, Brad Paisley joined Bill Anderson, John Fogerty, Timbaland and Luke Wooten to talk about his latest album LOVE AND WAR, which came out on Friday. John cowrote and sang the album’s title track with Brad, while Bill co-wrote and sang the song “Dying To See Her.” Timbaland helped produce two songs on LOVE AND WAR, “Grey Goose Chase” and “Solar Power Girl.” This was Luke’s 4th project working with Brad, and he took the producer’s chair on the album. Of all the contributor, Brad said “you know these are guys that have an incredible catalogue but I think what we have contributed with this album, I feel at least, that it’s a good addition to their catalogue. Which was important to me. I didn’t want it to be like well they should’ve never done that. I don’t want anybody to say that. I want everybody to say I’m glad they did that, that worked out well.” For more on Brad’s LOVE AND WAR album check out Brad Paisley dot com, or just click right HERE

audio  Album producer Luke Wooten compared all the guest stars on Brad Paisley’s LOVE AND WAR to fantasy music camp. (:27)
“It felt like some sort of fantasy camp thing. It’s one of the first times where I had to kind of go into a side room and call my dad and say dad you’re not going to freaking believe who is in the studio today. I got to do that on multiple occasions. Fogerty was my alarm clock growing up. My dad, instead of saying ‘it’s time to get up for school,’ he’d play ‘Run Through the Jungle’ or ‘Looking Out My Back Door.’ It’s pretty crazy to get to work with him.”

audio  Bill Anderson has collaborated with Brad Paisley many times over Brad’s career, and Bill shares what their working relationship is like. (:33)
“The thing of working with Brad is there’s no high pressure or anything. When we get together it’s not like we are working it’s like we are kind of visiting and next thing you know maybe we’re trying to create something. He’s got such a wonderful sense of humor and I love being around him. He makes me laugh and I can make him laugh too and that’s kind of fun. I don’t know that it’s a father son type of relationship, but with the age difference and all I think he contributes his part and I try to contribute mine. I love working with him.”

audio  Bluegrass music was the meeting place musically for Brad Paisley and Timbaland when it came to working on the songs “Grey Goose Chase” and “Solar Power Girl.” Timbaland is a big fan of bluegrass.  (:16)
“I love bluegrass and I always said that bluegrass has a rhythm like hip-hop. I hear rhythm the way I hear it and the way sometimes a song is sung, the rhythm is just like hip-hop. So bluegrass and hip-hop to me is like a perfect combination in my eyes.”

audio  Brad Paisley said he was bringing his “A” game when it came to working with the guest stars on LOVE AND WAR, and John Fogerty says that’s exactly why he worked with Brad on the album’s title song, because Brad does bring his “A” game when making music. (:31)
“A couple of people have asked me well why have you decided to collaborate with someone now with Brad Paisley. But that’s it, Brad is the A-game. That’s where his bar is set. It’s set very high. I know that about him. I know that he is certainly trying to get to that mark and so that’s a good thing to work with. You know somebody he feels that way, certainly I feel that way too. Hopefully you are going to get something worthwhile by working with people like that.”

audio  John Fogerty comments on working with Brad Paisley. (:13)
“Yeah, we’ve gotten together a few times, so I know him better and better. You know we are friends. I mean it is easy now, I’m not so intimidated anymore. I still feel very lucky though.”

audio  Upon hearing John Fogerty say that he was intimidated, and felt lucky to work with Brad, Brad Paisley answered that John wasn’t the one who should feel that way. (:42)
“I know, I’ve heard him say that and he needs to stop that. I needed to be the one nervous but thankfully we are such tight close friends now that neither one are nervous around one another. We are able to enjoy each other’s company with none of that. One of the things that I am most proud of is that with guys like John, Mick (Jagger) and Bill, you know these are guys that have an incredible catalogue but I think what we have contributed with this album, I feel at least, that it’s a good addition to their catalogue. Which was important to me. I didn’t want it to be like well they should’ve never done that. I don’t want anybody to say that. I want everybody to say I’m glad they did that, that worked out well.”