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BOSTON MARATHON: Response to the Tragedy


In the wake of Monday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon, Brad Paisley, Kenny Chesney, and Joanna Smith are among the artists reflecting on the tragic event that claimed three lives and injured more than 100 others.

audio  Brad Paisley responds to Monday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon. (:22)
“It’s horrifying, and I mean, it’s the most cowardly act to put a bomb somewhere and run, especially in a place full of civilians, and…that is really cowardly. It’s really…it’s amazing that human beings are capable of these things, but they are. And they’ll catch these guys. I have no doubt about that. They’re gonna get ’em.”

audio  Kenny Chesney says that tragedies like the Boston Marathon bombing underscore the importance of security at any large event, including concerts. (:16)
“It’s always in the back of our mind, but we have as much security as we possibly can. We play a lot of these football stadiums, and it’s the same security that they would have at a sporting event. And I mean, you can’t overdo it either. What is too much security, what is too little security? So it does make you think about it.”

audio  Joanna Smith talks about the feelings evoked by tragedies as she responds to Monday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon. (:31)
“You feel an extra burden on the days that the bad news breaks, but there’s so much more good in the world. And some days it doesn’t seem like it because I think that the sensational stories are the negative ones and the evil, and those are the ones that are focused on and reported, but you know, there were so many people rushing to help, and there will be so many wonderful stories that come out of such a tragedy. And it is, it is so tragic, and yesterday is a tough day and today’s a tough day, and it’s very sad.”